10 Sassy Ghost

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Anastasia closed her eyes tightly out of fear. She knew that someone was behind her but she can't even move her body.

How is she supposed to run in a state like this?

Suddenly her body started moving on its own. She had no control over it. She was heading towards the underground door passing through the salt circle.

It felt like her soul was getting sucked by something when she entered it. But then she again got control over her body. That made her relieved. She moved her hand and legs to feel it again because it was paining like hell out of sudden. But she wasted no time and decided to leave this place. Because her subconscious mind was warning her that something dangerous is present in this room and that was making her feel very uneasy.

She tried to go out of the circle but she got slammed on something hard. She felt that it was blocking her from going out. She was stuck in that salt circle and couldn't go out.

But then she heard a key noise that fell to the ground. From a young age, she was very sensitive to sound so she heard it clearly.

As she moved behind to see. She saw a golden key in the ground. She felt that the key was familiar. Because she saw the same picture of a key in grandma's golden book.

That time she didn't read what key it was but the key was named as sacred portal opener.

She looked at the key and saw that there was paper underneath the key. She kneeled and picked up both things.

It was not a paper but a diary. It looked very old and dusty too. There was something written on it. "Open the door" in a red color that looked similar to blood.

Who wrote this thing? Is this the same person whose presence she felt earlier?

But that's for sure that something inhuman is happening over here.

Maybe a ghost is trying to ask for help from her. This is what the movies say. that if a ghost wants help from you they will give some signs that they are present near you or send chits to the person like they showed in Annabelle.

But the question is whether should she help it or not? What if it turned out to be an evil spirit.

She was getting lost in her thoughts when the diary flipped its page on its own and a new message started to show in the diary. "Don't think too much and open it".

Seeing that Anastasia got startled. Can ghost do that?.

She took the key and started unlocking the door. She don't want to anger the ghost by taking too much time.

She opened the lock easily but when she tried to open the door it was too heavy to open. She tried to use every bit of strength from her body but it was of no use. The door was not opening only. Like someone has put super glue on that door.

She started panting because she never used this much strength in her life on opening something.

"I am sorry I can't do this. it just doesn't open." She said and looked at the diary to get a new message.

The page got turned and another message appeared on it. "Use your power."

Anastasia got irritated after reading that. What does he mean by using your power? Was the effort she was putting in not enough for him?

Another column appeared on the diary. "Use your Mindpower. Pressure your brain to open the door with all of your will."

Is this ghost gone crazy? Does he think she is some kind of witch? By magic, she is going to open the door.

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