26 He will ruin you too

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After living from Agnes's house. Anastasia went in Kelana lake which was situated in the edge of the forest, just so she could calm her mind off from the situation.

She puts her both legs into the cold water of the lake and tried to calm herself. But doing it only made the matter worst. She was getting more anxious than before.

She looked at her reflection on the water and noticed that her whole face looked puffy and red like an blobfish.

But still, she felt like she looked good while crying. Because maybe your tears make your face glow, thinking about that made her chuckled.

"Calm down Anastasia, it is not a big deal. You are an adult now, so stop acting like a baby. Don't worry everything is going to be alright. Just stay calm" she said while consoling herself.

It might look very immature to cry for such a small thing. But still, she had every right to be hurt because of it.

But this is not going to last longer.

After some time she will take care of herself. Because she don't keep her pain in her heart for too long.

She wiped her tears and noticed that a little canary bird was sitting in her shoulder.

The bird just kept staring and started to chatter something in her ears,

It's like the bird wanted to start a conversation with her.

But guess what? The bird was not the only one who was staring at her.

There were many animals present there, who were looking at her through the trees.

There were rabbits, deers, monkeys and a group of raccoons staring straight inside her soul.

That started to make her very uneasy.

She thought that maybe, the animals wanted to drink water from the lake, or maybe they have decided to do party over her.

Who knows?

But one thing is sure, that those animals are feeling scared of her being around them.

That's why she took her bag and decided to leave because she don't want those animals to feel uncomfortable because of her.

But when she was living from the lake. She heard a whisper coming from her behind.

"Where are you running?"

She looked behind her and found out that the whisper was of the little girl she met yesterday. Maybe that girl's name was morana.

The girl had changed her clothes from yesterday and now she had wore a blue dress.

She had alot of white tulips in her hand. And she was staring at Anastasia while standing up with a straight posture.

But that was not the problem.

The real problem was that the girl's legs were not touching the ground, she was floating in the air midway.

That sight was creepy to look at.

Morana: "Ohh don't be scared, i thought you were used to seeing supernatural stuff like this. But if you getting afraid while seeing me like this then i will come down." After that she stopped floating and came back on the ground.

Morana: "Much better?"

Anastasia: "What are you doing here?"

Morana: "I told you already didn't i? If you can't take a good care of yourself then i need to give you a visit again. But looks like you didn't understand what I meant."

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