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"Someone please help me!" The young boy who was inside the cage started to cry. He completed broke down because he thought it was his last day on earth. But then suddenly a brunette lady came out from the forest.

"Don't worry, I'll take you out." Anastasia looked at the lock and tried to take it off. She used a safety pin to open the lock of the cage. But it didn't worked.

"Please take me out! Those witches wants to sacrifice me to the demon, that's why they bought me here. Please... I beg you. Do something." The boy couldn't stop crying. He was very young to die early.

"Calm down. I'll do something." She glanced at the lock and noticed that it had a binding spell on it. But sadly she forgot the spell to break it.

She looked around to find Ezen but then she noticed fire coming from the place where the witches were.

Anastasia got anxious. "I hope he is okay." She tried to check what happened to him but then she heard the boy yelling.

"Please don't leave me." He was still whipping.

Anastasia: "Don't worry. Just give me a second. I will come back to take you out." After that, she ran in the direction where the fire started.

She arrived at the incident and saw several witches burning. "What the hell? You killed them!?" It was not in the plan.

Ezen looked behind and noticed Anastasia there. "Anastasia go away! You are not safe here."

She couldn't hear him properly. "I am what!?" She glanced at the witch and noticed that she was trying to light up the fire, that's why she decided to make her trip. "Cadere..."

The leader of the witch fell on the ground and the demon's horn in her hand went inside the fire.

A large amount of smoke started to come from it.

Ezen touched his head in annoyance. "Oh hell no!"

The witch who was currently on the ground started to laugh maniacally. "Our Lord is coming. He is going to kill both of you." She laughed again.

Anastasia got scared when she heard the word kill. She ran toward Ezen. "No, I don't want to die. Is that demon really going to kill us?" She felt anxious and because of that Ezen also started feeling anxious.

Ezen: "Don't be anxious. Nothing will happen. Just think of that demon as a delivery guy."

Anastasia: "Delivery guy?"

Ezen: "We lost that horn, that's why we need another one. Just wait and watch. You'll understand."

A large scary looking beast came inside from the fire and groaned loudly.

Anastasia was so frightened that she quickly grabbed Ezen's hand. He also didn't said anything about it.

Anastasia closed her eyes tightly so she could not see the beast's face.

The tall 10 feet demon kept groaning angrily that's why the witch got confident. "Lord, please. Kill these two people. They destroyed your sacred horn."

The beast looked at them up and down and then finally understood. He bowed down and looked down. "Your highness, I am sorry."

Ezen was surprised. "You found out about me very early. I am impressed. so I don't think I will kill you."

The beast angrily looked at the witch who summoned it. "Your highness if you want then, can I kill her?"

The witch looked betrayed. Her whole family has been praying for this demon for decades but now, he is talking about killing her.

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