56 Time is Crucial

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Cassandra entered into the dark room and closed the cabin's door quietly so Victor won't be disturbed.

She saw that he was troubled that's why she sat on the chair in front of him and looked at him with worry.

"What happened Victor? Is everything alright?"

Victor got stunned by seeing her there. "Cassie? You? I didn't notice you were here."

"Just like I thought" Cassandra said sarcastically. "And by the way, why are you sitting in the dark?" She made the cabin's light on by her magic and looked at him while being serious. "Tell me, is their something troubling you?"

"It's nothing." Victor sighed. "Did you ever met someone from the past?"

"Yeah. I met many people who got reincarnated again in this world." Cassandra chuckled. "To be honest, it was not a good feeling, but it was not bad either. Why are you sad?" She looked at him. "Who did you met?

Victor shook his head. "I don't know. I felt like I had some past connection with her. But... I don't remember ever seeing her face."

"Her? So it was a girl. Huh?" She looked down sadly. "You rarely talked with any other girls except me and your family. Did you by chance had any affair with that person?" She said jokingly.

Victor knew she was joking, that's why he didn't said anything. "What are you talking about Cassandra?"

"I am sorry. I was kidding." Cassandra kept laughing. "Just tell me everything in detail. What exactly happened?"

"It just..." he found it hard to explain it. "When I accidentally touched her hand... I felt an electric sensation in my body"

"What!? And you are telling me this now?" Cassandra was petrified. "You know what that means right? The person you met was not a human being but a demon."

"I also felt the same thing before. But I don't think so. That girl was Anastasia's friend and if she was a demon then Anastasia would have known about it. After all, she had ability to know about them."

Cassandra started to find it suspicious. "But... what if she knows it?"

Victor: "What do you mean?"

Cassandra tried to clarify. "I mean, what if she know that the girl is demon but she is hiding it from you."

Victor: "Why will she do that?"

Cassandra: "Come on, you know that Anastasia is with Ezen. She also didn't told about him to you. So what do you expect? She only thinks you as a stranger and her guardian. That's why I don't think she will ever tell you anything about her life."

"And I don't blame her for doing that. Only we both know that I am related to her. She doesn't know it yet." Victor sighed. "I just hope she will stay safe until I tell her everything about herself."

"I have a question" Cassandra asked. "If you knew Ezen is threat for Anastasia then why are you not separating them? Them being together is very harmful for everyone you know?"

Victor: "I also though the same thing before. Why not just separate them? But then I realised that I am no one to do that. I can't break someone's destiny... After all she is the one who choosed her path, let her fight alone. I'll only come in between when she needs me. That's it"

Cassandra nodded. "So... till that time what are we supposed to do?"

"Just wait"

"Okay then..." Cassandra got up from her chair. "I am going home. Bye bye" As she stepped forward to leave. Her mind went into dazed state.

She kept standing in one place with terrified expressions, like she was not currently in her body.

Victor quickly came closer to her and held her wrist so she could not be lost in the daze state. He knew what was happening. That's why he asked.

"What is happening? What are you seeing?"

Cassandra spoke while still being in the other world. Her hands was shaking.  "Lilith..."

Victor: "Lilith what?"

"Dagger..." Cassandra whispered.

Suddenly she came out from the daze state. She was breathing heavily that's why Victor gave her a glass of water.

"Can you tell me what is Lilith planning?"

Cassandra took a sip of water and said. "Anastasia is going to get stabbed. The first prophecy is coming true. We need to do something. Julian and Larissa are helping Lilith. If something happened then everything will be over."

Now Victor was also got panicked. "Do you know where this incident is going to take place?"

Cassandra nodded. "Near the Cobalt river"


After getting ready, Anastasia opened the door to leave but then she saw someone near the doorstep.

It was Poppy and Venessa.

"Anna!? You knew we were coming!?" Poppy jumped with joy.

Anastasia was stunned by seeing them there. "Poppy? Venessa? What are you guys doing here?"

Poppy: "you forgot? We need to go somewhere."

Anastasia was dumbfounded. "Go where? You didn't told me about it."

"Why does it matter?" Poppy sighed. "Just listen to me, come with me. Alright?" Poppy held her hand to leave but shrugged it off.

Anastasia: "No! I need to be somewhere else."

Poppy: "You won't decline if you know where we are going."

Anastasia: "Where?"

Poppy: "In the Cobalt river. We need to celebrate the river goddess's birthday. Everyone from our class is there. We need to reach there ASAP!"

"Ohh" Anastasia understood now. "I was also going there only."

Poppy: "Alone?"

Anastasia nodded. "Kinda"

"Then what are we wasting our time for? Let's go"


(At Cobalt River)

When they arrived there. There was people everywhere. It was similar to festival.

Some people were praying near the river and some people were simply having fun.

Anastasia smiled by looking at the decorations around.

"You guys wait here. Okay? I'll go bring some candles." Poppy quickly ran toward the stall to get them.

Anastasia looked around the crowd to find Ezen and Equinox but she couldn't find them anywhere. When she was searching through the crowd her eyes felt into Venessa. She looked very sad. Like she didn't wanted to be there.

Anastasia: "is everything good Venessa? You look down from the time we arrived here. Are you okay?"

"No, I am okay." Venessa looked down and changed the subject. "Emily didn't came? She loved attending this kind of festival right?"

Anastasia chuckled. "Yeah. I asked her to come but mom said no. She have school tomorrow that's why she can't come."

Venessa nodded. "Oh" After that, she kept quite.

Time was running that's why Anastasia was about to leave to find equinox. But then she heard Venessa call her name.


Anastasia looked back and answered. "Yes?"

Venessa said in a low voice like she was scared someone would hear her. "Stay alert from everyone. Time is crucial"

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