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"Take a breath in... Take a breath out.." Equinox was sitting in the garden and was doing few exercises to calm herself down.

She was so lost in her thoughts, that she didn't noticed someone ogling at her up from the balcony.

"What happened to her now?" Anastasia kept staring at her with confusion. She was actually returning back to her house again. But she stopped when she saw Equinox. "Is she upset about something?" After thinking about it for a moment she decided to let it go. "Anyway, I should not be nosy... I need to reach home early that's why let's not waste time." As she turned around to leave. Her head got slammed on something.

Anastasia rubbed her head and looked at the person she just bummed into.

When she looked up, she noticed Ezen looking at her with a flustered face. She became suspicious by his different behavior. What does he want from her now?

Anastasia raised her eyebrows. "What's with you? You were normal in the morning... What happened suddenly?" She thought about something and quickly raised her arms in denial. "Don't even think about it... I am not going to cast any spells for you anymore. Understand?"

"It's not that!" Ezen tried to explain to her in a low tone because he was very embarrassed to speak. "I just have a question."

"Question!? What question?" Anastasia became more perplexed.

"Umm... Uhh..." He looked down and tapped his foot to avoid looking at her expressions. "It's a great day. Right?" He suddenly changed the topic.

"Yeah.." Anastasia became more confused by his behavior. She tried to go inside his mind to read his thoughts. But her magic didn't worked on him.

Ezen also looked back at her and noticed her being fully dressed up to go outside. "Are you going anywhere?"

Anastasia nodded. "Yeah, at home. I can't stay here forever."

"You can stay if you want." He slowly mumbled under his breath so she could not hear it. But Anastasia read his lips and understood what he said.


Ezen looked away from her and shook his head. "Nothing..."

"See, I am going to be honest. You are not acting like your usual self. That's why I am little worried.. Tell me, did something happened? Did you fought with Equinox?"

"How did you know!?"

Anastasia smiled. "I don't know... It's my hidden talent to know the situation around me. I can read everyone's mind in an instant..." She pouted. "Except yours."

Ezen became more curious. "Really? Then can you read Equinox's mind? Can you tell why I was mad at her?"

"You were mad at her because she met uncle victor." Anastasia tilted her head. "Am I right?"

Ezen got shocked when she said this. Does Anastasia knows about Equinox and Victor? "How did you find it out?"

"What do you mean how I did that?" She chuckled. "Anyone with a sane mind can sense the connection between them... When I first saw them together I felt like they had some past link with each other... And my doubt turned true when I saw Equinox crying after meeting him."

"She cried!?" Ezen was in disbelief. Even if the situation was so bad before for her, Equinox didn't even dropped a tear. But she cried for him. "Impossible!"

Anastasia was very curious about their relationship that's why she asked him a question. "By chance, were they lovers in the past?"

"I don't know, I found out about them in the very end."

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