64 Kill him with good looks

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Equinox pressed the accelerator and ran the car in full speed leaving the Toyota Camry behind.

She thought she lost them, but when she again glanced at rear view mirror, she noticed the car behind still following them.

"This f**kers." Equinox started to get mad. Her eyes slowly turned red as her demonic self started to come out.

Anastasia turned around to see who was following them. She glanced at the Toyota Camry and noticed that this was the same car which was following her before while returning from Stafford village.

So they are cult members? Anastasia thought to herself.

Right now she has to find a way to stop these people from following her. But what should i do? She became puzzled.

When suddenly, an idea hitted her. "Equinox! Traffic lights! Go fast. When they come, I'll change the lights in red."

Equinox did as she said. After they went ahead, Anastasia turned the traffic light into red. Hoping that the driver would stop the car when they see it. But the driver was bold. Even after seeing light turning red, he didn't stopped.

"I knew they would do that." Equinox glared at those cult members angrily. She clenched her steering wheel tightly.

God knows what these people want? They were under Lilith's influence. Ofcourse she might have ordered to follow them.

"Damn! This people are crazy."

Because of breaking the traffic rules, the road police started to go behind the cult people to arrest them, asking them to stop the car. But the cult people still didn't stopped. They were not scared of anything. All they wanted to do was complete lilith's task.

"Looks like I need to find another way to stop them." She begin to think of an idea. "I don't know if doing this will be good or not, but I have no choice." She looked around to check how many people were there around them.

Seeing Anastasia thinking, Equinox became confused. "Wait! What are you thinking?" Before she could process anything. She heard loud noise of something falling on the ground.

A big branch fell from the tree and covered the road, which made the cult people's car to stop. They barely survived. If the branch would have fell on them, they would have died instantly.

"What the hell!?" Equinox looked impressed. She didn't expected this to happen.

She stared at Anastasia and noticed that her eyes were now purple. "What happened to your eyes?" She became concerned.

"Keep driving. Otherwise the police will come behind us." Anastasia said while rubbing her eyes. She glanced behind and saw the cult member getting arrested by the police. The driver who was driving was glaring at her continuously, like he wanted to kill her.

Equinox begin to drive the car again in normal speed. She curiously glanced at Anastasia and asked. "Does this happens always?" She pointed at her eye. "Turning purple?"

"Yeah." Anastasia said while rubbing her itchy eye. "Whenever I use my powers my eye turns purple." She smiled. "Like how your eyes turns red."

"Mine is different. I am a demon. Red eye colour is very common in hell. But you..." Equinox steer the wheel on the right. "You know purple eye colour is rare. Right?"

"Is it?" Her eyes turned back normal.

"Yeah. I never met anyone with this eye colour." Purple is a colour of royalty. Even the angels don't has this orbs. Then how come Anastasia have it? Equinox thought about it. There is something about Anastasia that they don't know about. Make sense why Lilith is hell bent on sacrificing her.

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