69 Party Invitation

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"See? I got your name. We are partners now." Veronica smiled brightly looking at him.

"Wait what?" What the hell? He thought Anastasia would do some cheating to get his name in the chit so they could be partners. But how did this girl picked it up? He don't want to stay with her. It will ruin the whole mission for which he came here.

"Stop lying Veronica. You didn't got his name. I did." She showed her the chit. "See..."

"What? How?" She snatched the chit out from her hand and checked. She was in disbelief. She opened her own chit and saw someone else's name in it.

How is this possible? before she checked she got Ezen's name in her chit. How did it got changed in a minute?

Anastasia glanced at Veronica's chit and smiled. "Aww. You got Kevin. Go towards him. He is trying to find you." She called Kevin over.

"Your allotted room is A16. Take care of the patient." Miss Mina said while giving information to the two students. Half of the class was empty, only few students were there chatting. "Guys! Get your partners and go fast. Your patients are waiting."

"Excuse us please." Anastasia said while going past Veronica. She held Ezen's hand and went towards Miss Mina to get their allotted room. They got room B12. While checking details about the patients, they left the class, leaving Veronica disappointed.

Kevin, her partner glanced at her and noticed that her mood was not good. She looked angry and a little bit scared too.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Veronica didn't replied anything. She glanced at her phone with a tense expression. When she heard the phone ringing, she got stunned for a second. She checked her caller Id and saw Larissa's name popping up.

Looking at her name was enough to frighten her. What is she supposed to reply now? She failed her task. Hopefully, Larissa won't kill her boyfriend because of this.


"God knows why Venessa was acting like that." Anastasia thought about it. "It's suspicious."

"Oh yeah? Is this why you were making faces there?"

"What faces?" Anastasia asked while acting innocent. She completely forgot about it earlier.

"Don't be innocent." Ezen crossed his arms. "According to the white magic rule, you are not supposed to use your powers in your daily life. You knew about it but still, you broke the rule. Why is that?"

Ezen knew Anastasia was jealous about him talking with Venessa. He asked her this just to check if she admit it or not.

"Ohh... So you are talking about that?" She knew it was against the rule but at that moment it was necessary. She don't regret doing it. "You came for me, right? So it is your duty to protect me. If Venessa took you as a partner then it would have ruined your whole plan. What if something would have happened to me while you were away? I didn't break any rules. It was my way of self defence."

"Really?" Ezen was still doubtful about her explanation. He knew it was only half truth. Anastasia would not do all this just so he could protect her. She was definitely jealous. She is just too proud to admit it.

No worries. He would wait for the day she will admit it. After all, how long can a person hide their true feelings?

"I don't know what you are thinking but snap out of it. The patient is waiting. If we got there late, Miss Mina will give me F and I can't stand it."

"When did I stopped you? Let's go"


Inside the room, Anastasia was checking the patient who was laying unconscious on the bed. After determining he was fine. She took off her stethoscope.

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