35 Returning back home

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Isabelle came running back home when she learned that Anastasia was back again.

Finally, her heart was at ease. She couldn't wait till she meet her again.

When Isabelle arrived home, she quickly went towards Anastasia and hugged her tightly.

Isabelle: "Oh my goodness! I was so scared. I thought something happened to you." She took that thought out from her mind. She didn't wanted to think about something like that. "No! Everything is fine. You are safe." She sighed with relief.

Anastasia hugged Isabelle back "Grandma everything is fine. Look, I am okay. Nothing happened to me so please don't take any stress anymore." She looked at Isabelle with pleasing eyes. She didn't liked seeing Isabelle like this.

Isabelle also understood it, that's why she touched Anastasia's face with care. She knew that learning about her being adopted might have hurted her alot. But Anastasia will never show her pain to the outside world.

It was not in her personality to do that.

Maybe it is Isabelle's fault only. From a young age, she has been teaching Claudia how to become strong. And in that, she always told her that being vulnerable in front of anyone can make you look weak.

And by thinking the same way, Claudia also raised her daughters while telling them the same thing.

That's why both Anastasia and Emily had a hard time while expressing themselves.

Isabelle: "Forget everything Agnes told you about. Trust me, you being adopted doesn't really matter to us. We all love you so much that's why I never told you about this." She wanted her to understand this.

By hearing that, Anastasia broke her shell of being okay and started to cry. "I know that... But I don't know why.., I am feeling very anxious... I can't digest the fact that I am adopted"

Emily: "Who is adopted!?" She asked with a stunned face. She just came in the house after bidding ruby farewell and now what are these people talking about?

Emily: "Why are you crying, Anna? Did something happened?"

Anastasia wipped her tears and said with a broken voice. "Nothing happened."

Isabelle: "Emily go back to your room!"

Emily: "No! Why should I? Tell me what is wrong? Why are you guys hiding stuff from me? Because of what? I am child?" She hated that they were not telling her anything.

But Anastasia didn't wanted to hide anything anymore. Emily also deserves to learn the truth.

Anastasia: "Emily I am adopted."

Emily: ".... Huh!? What!? Say that again."

Anastasia: "I am adopted."

Emily burst into laughter. "Seriously? You guys really thought you can prank me? Come on Anna, find a better lie"

She thought that Anastasia will also burst into laughter because of getting caught but it didn't happened. She looked serious.

That's when she felt that something was weird.

Emily: "Please tell me it is not true."

Anastasia: "Sadly it is true." She controlled her tears.

Emily's facial expression was saddened. "H-how?" Her voice broke.

Anastasia had no words to say. "I don't know..."

"Grandma my head hurts... I am going to rest for a bit." Emily quickly climbed the stairs and ran into her bedroom. She didn't knew how to react in this situation. that's why she ran away from it. Just like she did everytime.

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