38 Your worst nightmare

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Anastasia raised her eyebrows. "Why would you help me? Are you really going to go against your own people just so you can help me." She touched her heart. "I can't believe it."

Ezen chuckled. "You know i am a selfish person. Right?"

Anastasia nodded and said in a low tone. "I know that"

Ezen didn't heard it that's why he kept speaking. "And i can do anything i want, only if the thing is going to benefit me. So what do you think? Do you want my help?"

Anastasia: "Umm..."

Ezen: "If yes, then say please.."

Anastasia: "What!?" She looked at him and noticed someone behind him.

It was claudia. She was back!

Claudia laughed in a creepy manner. "Anastasia baby, did you really thought you can hide from me?"

Ezen turned around and looked at claudia up and down. "Who is this ugly woman?"

Anastasia got mad. "Ezen! That's my mother."

Ezen finally understood. "Ohh, so what am I supposed to do with her? Do you want me to kill her?"

Anastasia: "No! Just take that demon out from  her body."

Ezen squinted his eyes and looked at Anastasia. "Who do you take me as? I am not a exorcist."

Claudia face went down. She was here looking all scary and these people were straight up ignoring her like she doesn't exist.

Claudia: "Who might this handsome fella be!?" She said while looking at Ezen.

Ezen crossed his arms arrogantly. "Your worst nightmare!"

Claudia laughed. "Aren't you too smug? Do you even know who i am? But anyway, you'll find out about me after I'll kill you." She moved ahead to attack him but Ezen used his power to make her fall in her knees.

Actually, he wanted to kill her because she threatened him. but he resisted.

The demon was currently inside Anastasia's mother and if he tried to harm her then Anastasia is never going to help him in resurrecting Equinox.

So that's why he needs to find some other method to take him out.

Claudia tried to break free from his black magic but she couldn't, because his power was very strong to break.

Ezen smirked while staring at her when she was helpless. "So you are a hell demon, right? Then you might also know that threatening any royal members can get you executed. and you still dared to do that with me?" His eyes turned yellow with anger.

Claudia became terrified while looking at him. "Your highness! I- i am so sorry, i didn't know it was you. Please forgive me." She bowed down.

Anastasia felt terrible while seeing this. But Ezen just ignored claudia.

Ezen: "What is your name?"

Claudia was confused. "D-do you mean my real name?"

Ezen got frustrated. "Ofcourse!" Does this demon has 2 names.

Claudia: "Your highness. My name is Arruth. I am a fire demon."

Ezen: "A fire demon? I never really heard about you. But whatever, leave this body without any harm."

Claudia: "I am sorry to say this but i can't do that. I can't leave this body without completing my task." She said while looking down.

Ezen: "What is the task?"

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