17 Murder in the village

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The next morning Anastasia heard noises of people talking with each other from the living room. Those people arrived very early in the morning because they wanted to talk about something with Isabelle.

Anastasia noticed them from her window and felt that those people were horrified about something. She thought judging by their expressions.

She didn't actually plan on eavesdropping on their conversation. But something fell on her heart that made her want to know more.

She hid behind the door and started listening to their discussion.

"Ronan is dead, and I don't think that his murder is done by some kind of a human being. There's definitely something paranormal things happening around the town that we don't know about."

Isabelle distributed tea to everyone around her and then sat on her chair.

"Agnes, how about you tell me exactly what happened? How did he die all of a sudden?" Isabelle asked one of the guests.

"I don't know much about it but Ronan's dead body was found in his workroom by his butler. He was brutally murdered by getting stabbed many times. Also, some other wound was on his neck that we couldn't identify."

Isabelle thought for a second. As per she knows Ronan's history. She knew that he was not a good person at all. He had many enemies around the country because of him deceiving them. And she knew that one day because of his behavior. He is going to pay a heavy price for it. but she never expected him to die so sooner.

"Agnes you are thinking too much. Why do you think that some kind of supernatural creature would kill him? Unless he did something to them."

"Isabelle are you doubting my abilities?. I have been a spiritual guider of this village for more years than you know. And my gut instinct has always been true."

Isabelle felt a headache while hearing Agnes talk. "Fine! Let's think that whatever you are saying is true. Then where is the proof? You might have it. Right? And which supernatural creature killed him? So many unanswered questions." Isabelle sighed.

"Isabelle are you serious!?" Edgar the male elder of the village decided to step in between the lady's argument because he thought that Isabelle was being unreasonable.

"There have been a lot of weird things happening in the village. And you have been taking care of things very well. We never questioned your proficiency in handling things. But you are doubting us."

Isabelle shook her head in disagreement. "Mr Edgar I never doubted you people's ability. I am just confused that who might it be? We all tried our everything in keeping the village safe. I don't think that any kind of demon could enter Ronan's house without getting burned."

"Exactly Isabelle, that's my point. No normal demons could enter his house. But what about the higher ones? They have enough power to do that. And you know who I am talking about?"

Isabelle understood that Agnes is talking about Ezen. But that doesn't make any sense.

Isn't he trapped inside the forbidden forest? Then what is Agnes talking about?

"And yeah Isabelle. Some paranormal things don't have any proof. You just know it. But can't explain it. So stop being in denial otherwise you will do the same mistake that you did 17 years ago with your granddaughter."

"Listen, Agnes!" Before Isabelle could complete her words she heard some commotion near the door making her distracted.

It was Anastasia. She accidentally slipped onto something and banged her head in the door. Making a loud sound.

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