45 Meeting Lilith

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Author's note:- Hey loves, i have noticed many of you are enjoying reading the novel. but you guys are not commenting or voting the chapters. So please don't do like that. If you feel like sharing yours thoughts about the chapters. Then kindly comment it.

I am not going to take alot of your time because i am done now. Go ahead and enjoy the chapter. (If you read till end then you might get hint about who Anastasia's real parents are..)

So let's start... Shall we?


Chapter 45

Ezen went towards Anastasia and tried his everything to wake her up. But she was still not opening her eyes. That's why Ezen started to became anxious.

He knew that Lilith might have done something to stop Anastasia from coming back. That's why he decided to bring her back early.

If he didn't then Anastasia would get forever trapped in that hell dimension.

He quickly took out his soul ring and then touched it with the pendant Anastasia was wearing. And by doing that, it would get easier for her to find the way till here.


Anastasia was feeling very scared because of her power being freeze in a moment. If the demons caught her then they are going to torture her in various way. That's why she tried her best to make her powers work again.

She glanced at her pendant and noticed it glowing. That's when she got a confidence that she can leave this place without any harm.

She casted the spell to go back in her body. And thankfully, this time it worked.

Her soul slowly started to fade away. But before she disappeared completely. Lilith barged into the room and saw Anastasia leaving. that's why she quickly used her black magic and sprinkled it on Anastasia. And accidentally the black magic left it's mark on her arm. Making it turn black.

But before it reached to her whole body. Anastasia dissapeared from the hell.

When Lilith saw that her plan was failed. She screamed with anger. "I WANT HER!!!!"

The demon's army bowed because of being scared. "Empress please don't get mad. We'll try our everything to bring that girl's dead body to you."

Lilith made her fist tight. "No! You can't catch that girl alone! She is not a normal human. You guys can't stand a chance before her." She burned her hand on the hell fire while punishing herself. "That's why I need to go there alone."

Here eyes slowly turned white... That means now no one can save the world... because the empress is finally back.


When Anastasia got back in her body. She felt terrible pain in her arm.

It was like, someone just splashed acid on her hand. It was burning like hell. That's why she screamed with pain.

Ezen came to check on her and saw her arm covered in a black mark. He got scared by seeing that.

Ezen: "Oh shit!!!" He knew that Lilith used her black magic to harm Anastasia. But thank goodness the black magic didn't got into her whole body. If that happened then Anastasia would have died instantly.

He quickly picked Anastasia in his arms and carried her bridal style in his room.

He layed her on his king sized bed and started to rub her palms. "It's okay. Calm down." He whispered softly in her ears.

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