21 Where is the hell's portal?

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"You!?" Anastasia got up from the ground and stared at ezen with utmost dept. "What are you doing here?"

In response, Ezen just crossed his arms and stared at her with an unknown expression. "Does it really matter? If I didn't came here in time then you would have been in a big trouble."

Ezen sighed, Even though Anastasia would have not died by that. But still, if the ghosts successfully sucked her mana, then it would have kept her unconscious for hours.

And if something happened to Anastasia then it will directly affect to his powers because of their soul bounding with each other.

Thank goodness, that she unknowingly touched the necklace. That way, atleast Ezen found out about her being in problem.

"You have so many powers but you still don't know how to use them. It's quite sad, you know."

Anastasia squinted her eyes and looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean?" It was weird because she don't remember telling him about her other powers. Except for the one time where she mentioned that she could see ghosts.

But still, how did he found out that she was in trouble. Did he made those ghosts disappear? If that's true then, that means her suspicion was right all along. He is not a human being.

"Anyway, I should get going. The work for which I came here is over." After saying that he decided to leave. but his arm was grabbed by Anastasia.

"Mr, I asked you something, so how about you give me my answers before you leave?." She won't let him go easily without knowing everything.

Ezen was shocked when he saw her clenching his arm tightly with so much determination for knowing about the matter.

No one has ever touched him without his permission. So this situation was very strange and amusing for him.

He tried not to chuckle before speaking "Go ahead, ask anything you want, but what will I get in return?." As a demon, it was in his blood to make a bargain while doing anything for somebody else. If he didn't asked anything in return then what is the point of him being alive?

Anastasia smiled sarcastically and stared at him with arrogance. She can't believe that the man she met yesterday who was very gentle while talking to her was actually a two-faced person. Mom was right, first impressions are often deceiving.

"It is not funny, I want my answers right now, and the bargain you talked about earlier. We will see about that later. It depends on the answers you give."

Ezen gazed at her with disbelief. Who knew that the person he thought as a sweet innocent girl. who he could manipulate easily. Was in reality this smart. And looking at the attitude she was currently talking to him with. He was damn sure that she knows that he is not a human. So, It is going to be a rough journey for him to get her on his side.

"Alright, I will answer your questions. But you know, I have an option to lie too. Right?"

"Of course you do, but I am really good at identifying people's lies. So don't you worry about it. I have everything in control. All you have to do is answer me" She looked at him proudly "So tell me, who are you?"

"I am a human. What is this stupid question?" Ezen asked jokingly. He knows about what Anastasia wanted to learn. But he is not going to give in before her this quickly.

That made Anastasia frustrated "I know you are lying, if you are really a human being, then what were you doing in the forbidden forest yesterday night? And yeah! What about this pendant?" She showed her the necklace which was hanging around her neck. "You are the one who gave me this necklace, am I right?" She looked at him in a hope of getting the answers but in return, he just stared at her silently. "Come on Adrian, answer my damn question. Oh, wait! I doubt if that's your real name."

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