11 A handsome stranger

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Anastasia rubbed her eyes and woke up again in the forbidden forest. Her wounds from earlier were completely gone.

She sat up in the place and was shocked to see that there was a soft blanket wrapped around her body.

Who might have done that? She thought. Because she was currently in the middle of the forest where no one comes.

She looked at her surrounding. And saw a camp in front of her. She was sitting near a campfire. And for some reason, her head was hurting very badly.

She was not remembering anything that happened before. But then she heard someone's voice coming from behind her.

"Are you awake now?" A gentle voice spoke from her behind. making her startled. She was about to fall on the ground when suddenly someone grabbed her hand.

She looked at the person. It was a guy that looked in his mid-twenties. He had broad shoulders and a sexy jawline that could get in anyone's attention. His dark brown eyes that had a pinch of redness were glowing in the darkness. His tan face was just perfect.

Anastasia had been hit on by many good-looking guys in her life but she mostly ignored them because she thought they were so arrogant and only looks no brain.

But looking at him, she felt that he is not a human being. Because how can someone's face look so good. And the mysterious aura he carried was making her very attracted towards him.

Seeing Anastasia staring at him with utmost dept the guy chuckled. "I am sorry for scaring you" He left her hand which he was holding.

Anastasia got her balance again and looked at the guy. "Where did you find me? And Who are you?"

"I found you unconscious In the middle of the forest. Your body was so cold at that time so I decided to bring you here near the campfire." He smiled. "But how did you end up here?" The guy asked her.

Thinking about that. Anastasia remembered everything from before. How did she come here? The last thing she remembered was that she was trapped in with a ghost and then the pendant started glowing.

She quickly glanced at her neck and the red necklace was still there. That means the thing she saw was not a dream. It happened in reality.

So ghosts do exist? What am I even saying? Offcourse they do. Because she have encountered some of them many years ago.

But now how is she going to explain everything to this guy? He will think that she is some kind of crazy person. She doesn't want him to feel that way about her. But why does she care about how others see her? It never happened before.

"I umm I was..." Anastasia was so panicked while answering this question. She don't know what reason should she give him.

But the guy got the hint on how uncomfortable she got while talking that's why he holded her hand to make her stop panicking.

"It's alright. You don't need to say anything. Many people come here to take walks. It's alright." He lied why would anyone go to take a walk at a place which was rumoured to be haunted and banned for anyone from entering. He just said it to make her stop panicking.

Anastasia never let anyone hold her hand before. Even when her family or friends touched her a bit she started to feel very uncomfortable by it but now a stranger is holding her hand.

That was weird because his touch was making her feel comfortable.

Looking that Anastasia has calmed down a bit. The guy left her hand but that saddened her a bit. She wanted to feel his hand's warmth for a bit more time.

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