32 Do you love him?

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Agnes was surrounded by wolves in the middle of the forest.

The hungry wolfs were waiting for Agnes to move, so they all could pounce on her and eat her. But it didn't worked because Agnes used her spells to make some of the wolfs unconscious and only kept the alpha in the right state.

Seeing all of his pack members hurt the alpha got alerted and started to angrily growl at Agnes.

After looking at her current situation, Agnes thought that she should just kill him because it was impossible to make him unconscious.

But she couldn't do it, because it was strictly prohibited for her to kill any animal or human without upper orders, otherwise she could loose powers. That's why she was hesitant to cast the killing spell.

Seeing Agnes in the dilemma, the wolf took his chance and started to run towards her.

He was just about to pounce her but before he attacked her, a blue light came towards him and hitted him with a force, making him fall on the ground.

Because of being scared, Agnes covered her face with her both hands. She was shocked to see the wolf on the ground groaning with pain.

How is this possible? She didn't casted any spell, then who did? She was dumbfounded because of it. But then, she heard a very familiar voice coming from her behind.

"Mom!? Are you okay!? Are you hurt somewhere?" A blonde woman with a pale skin came running towards her to check if she was alright.

By seeing that girl in front of her, Agnes could not believe her eyes. "Cassie!?" She gave that women a big tight hug. "Oh my goodness" Agnes cried joyful tears. "It's been 1000 years"

Cassandra also couldn't hold back her tears anymore and she quickly hugged her mother back. "I know, i am sorry." She begins to cry for being guilty. She should have atleast called her but she didn't. because of being scared.

Agnes wipped Cassandra's tears. "No crying now. just tell me, how was your life? Living for 1000 years" her eyes started to be dull. "Did it pained?"

Cassandra smiled while her eyes sheded tears. "Nothing hurts me anymore. Afterall, i have seen my love yearning for someone else right before my eyes. Now what else in my life could hurt me?"

Agnes widened her eyes and looked at Cassandra. "Cassie!!" She shook her head into no, so she could stop talking about it.

But in return Cassandra just laughed. "I am sorry mom. This is why i hate this village. It always makes me remember the old memories that i want to forget. But anyways, you want to know what happened in all this years? In Edinburgh, 100 years ago. Me and victor started a business together and now, our company is very powerful in the circle. It has more than million branches all over the world. So technically, i am still living lavishly as before and i had some good relationship with humans too."

Cassandra was very excited while talking about it, but Agnes could still see the pain hidden inside her. "Are you still in love with victor? Hmm? Do you love him?"

Cassandra quickly denied. "No, he just think me as a friend. Nothing else" she looked down sadly.

Agnes: "And what about you? After all this centuries, you still have him in your heart? Right? Cassie you could fool the world. Not me, i am your mother. I know you very well."

Cassandra also couldn't control her emotions. "Yes i loved him. I'll always love him. But it doesn't matter anymore. He will never love me and i have accepted it." She holded Agnes's hand. "Mom, his friendship means the world to me and i don't expect anything in return."

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