77 You are a killer!

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Ezen winced as he felt the serpentine coils tightening around him, restraining his movements. His eyes remained closed, though he could sense the presence of his mother, Lilith, the Empress of Hell, nearby.

"Who do you like to torment me, mom?" he finally spoke, his voice laced with pain and frustration.

Lilith's melodious voice cut through the air, filled with genuine affection as a beautiful dark figure appear. "Oh, my dear Ezen, how l've missed you. I'm here to guide you, to lead you onto the right path." Lilith's features softened. "You've erred by aiding Anastasia repeatedly. But I'm willing to forgive you."

Ezen's gaze hardened, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Forgive me? Where were you when I was trapped in the Forbidden Forest for centuries? Not once did you come to my aid or allow others to help me. Why should I heed your words now? I don't need your forgiveness." Ezen's gaze hardened, his voice tinged with bitterness.

Lilith's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she confessed, "Even if I had tried, I couldn't have freed you. Only Anastasia possessed the power to release you from that accursed place. I know she freed you but because of her only you were trapped there." Lilith seized the opportunity to manipulate him. "She's the reason you suffered. You should seek vengeance against her."

Ezen shook his head in denial. "Why should I harm her? She's done me no wrong."

Lilith's voice grew sharp with anger, her eyes blazing crimson. "She's a descendant of the heavens, the last of her kind. She's a threat to us all. You must eliminate her before she destroys you."

"But why mom? I know you have enemity with god and the heavens. But why are you trying to kill an innocent person who did no wrong to you?"

"When I was cast out of the Garden of Eden, abandoned by God, I had nowhere to turn. Why should I show mercy to his creations when he showed none to mine?" Her voice carried pain and anger. "I was cursed even though I did nothing wrong then why should i care about others when no one else cared for me?"

"I know you were not wrong but.. Anastasia is not responsible for the sins of heaven. We will find another way to bring you in earth but please don't kill her." Ezen pledged first time for someone's life. "I beg you please."

"From when you became so soft huh? In just few days you started having feelings for her?"
Her voice had anger in it. "Don't forget you are a demon! A demon is supposed to be selfish and greedy. We are made that way only so don't shy away from yourself." Lilith handed him a dagger. "This thing can kill any powerful entity and creatures. Don't worry she won't feel hurt. Just one stab and she will be back to her heaven. After this no one can harm you or our hell. I hope you will do your work completely. If you can't do it then I'll do it myself and let me warn you, I won't let her die peacefully. Things will get worse so don't you dare betray me again. If you did then I'll forget that you are my son." Lilith threatened.

Ezen's hands trembled as he accepted the dagger, the weight of his decision heavy upon him. In that moment, torn between what to do. But he know he can't just keep sitting. Only 10 minutes is left for the ritual to bring back Lilith on earth, to start.


Equinox follows Victor and reaches  the cave where the ceremony was held in. He knew she was following him to save Anastasia that's why he didn't mind her coming with him.

Staring at the cave, Equinox's demon instincts warned her about something. "Victor stop!" she says, her voice low and urgent. "The cave is protected by powerful dark magic. Your powers won't be enough to shield you from fire"

Victor looks at her, concern etched on his face. "Then what should we do? Anastasia is in there. We can't stay here for long."

Equinox nods, her expression grave. "I know. That's why we need to find another way to get to her," she says, her mind racing with possibilities.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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