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"Ohh, so you want to know about your biological parents?" Equinox said while holding Anastasia's both hands in her own. "I don't know if i can track them down but i can go in the past and see their faces if i want..."

Anastasia was surprised: "You can see people's past and futures?"

Equinox chuckled. "No. I only see slight visions about it. Nothing else." She thought about someone. "If you want to see everything from your past then you should visit Cassandra. She possesses the power to see the prophecies and the whole pasts."

Anastasia raised her eyebrows. "Which Cassandra are you talking about?"

Is Equinox talking about Cassandra who was Victor's fiance?

Equinox hitted her head. "I am sorry. I don't know why I took her name. She might have been dead by now." Afterall, it has been 1000 years.

Equinox shrugged the memories from her past off. "But anyway, give me your hands. Let's check who your biological parents are..." She holded her hands again.

To be honest. Even she was curious to know about Anastasia.

Equinox closed her eyes and started to enter Anastasia's mind where all the hidden memories are located. She can't see who her parents were, but atleast she could see which timeline or place she was born at.

As Equinox went dipper into Anastasia's memories. She had a very bizarre visions.

When she was trying to find the timeline where Anastasia was born. She got visions about a deadly war breaking in the country... And by going inside the visions. Equinox started to feel like she was there at that time.

She also got a vision about a woman giving birth to a baby in a wedlock. That woman was screaming with pain because she was very scared for her baby. But as the baby girl came out from her womb, the woman's face brightened.

"Anastasia..." The woman whispered softly while holding her baby.

Equinox tried to see the woman's face but someone was blocking her. It was like, they didn't wanted her to see her face and Equinox also didn't had enough power to compete with the other force...

After coming back into her original form. Equinox huffed like crazy. Even her nose started to bleed.

Anastasia was very worried for her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes i am." She coughed. "By the way, when were you born?"

Anastasia replied in an instant. "On 3 September 1998..."

Equinox got terrified when she got few visions again. In that, the timeline was different.

"How is this possible!?" She mumbled under her breath.

Anastasia: "Wait! What happened?"

Equinox looked at her. "Are you sure you were born in 1998?"

Anastasia nodded. "I mean. Yeah i guess. My birth certificate has that date only..."

Equinox: "Then why does your birth timeline look so ancient?"

Anastasia: "I don't understand. What are you trying to say?"

Equinox: "Based on my calculations. You are supposed to be 1000 years old right now."

Anastasia's eyes turned big with terror. "What!?"

Equinox: "Yeah... Can you believe it? It's like you are not a human... But... You are a human." She looked at her curiously. "What type of species are you?"

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