23 Always going to protect you

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Anastasia tried to find a way to get out from that place but it all failed. Looks like this place didn't had any exit spot. So she needs to find a way to leave the place by the help of the wall where she came from. But how is she supposed to do that?

She sat on the ground and started whining for help but no one heard it. Hopefully Emily and ruby would notice that she is not with them. That way she could get out from this place.

But till that time she had to be here alone in this graveyard type place and that thing would be terrible because if she stayed here till evening then she would start to see ghosts again and she don't have enough energy to deal with their shit.

While she was gazing at the surroundings, her eyes fell on the big tree that looked like it was very ancient. It was an apple tree but the weird part was that there were no apples in it. Except the one which was still on the tree.

But the rest were all rotten and they were laying on the ground. Isn't it bizarre? If the other fruits are rotten then why is the one apple on the tree looked so fresh?

While she was staring at the tree, she heard someone's voice

"What the hell?"

Who is that? She thought that she was the only one who was here but looks like she is not.

Even though it was a good thing that she found someone who might know this place. but still, what if the person turned out to be bad. That's why it is better to play safe.

She quickly took out the pepper spray from her purse and started heading towards the person.

"Excuse me, is anyone here?" She went towards them while being extra cautious.

She didn't know who the person was because his face was looking in the other direction, but she could easily guess that it was a man.

After hearing Anastasia's voice the man becomes stunned. He quickly turned around and looked at her.

That time she could see the man's face. She don't want to sound like a pervert but the man was really good looking.

God knows why she is meeting such good-looking dudes after coming in this village.

Before it was Adrian and now, oh wait! Let's not talk about Adrian because she knows he is not a human being so why should she thirst for someone who is not a human? She is not desperate.

Well, by meeting Adrian yesterday she understood one thing, that don't judge people because of their face otherwise what if they turned out to be two faced like Adrian or whatever his real name is, then you would get in trouble.

"Who are you!? And where am I?" The man said while looking at the surroundings who was very familiar for him but he didn't wanted to believe that.

"Umm, Stafford village, in Scotland" Anastasia was very confused while answering it. Does he really not know where he is? And if that's the case then who brought him here? Did he also came here by some kind of portal or is he a supernatural creature?

"Scotland!? How is this possible? Am I really in the diamond palace?"

"Sir, can you calm down? I know it is off-topic, but I feel like I have seen you somewhere but don't know where. If you don't mind me asking but, are you a ghost, demon, angel, or some kind of species?"

The man tilted his head. "It's complicated you don't need to know that. But I have a question, why are you so casual while asking me that? Are you one too?"

Anastasia smiled because earlier Ezen also asked her the similar question too. But it is not her fault that she is not scared of any supernaturals. Is she supposed to be scared of them?

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