20 He is back

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The spirits were having a conversation with themselves. But one of them started to feel suspicious because he thought that someone was eavesdropping on them. He checked around and saw Anastasia listening to their chats through the wall.

"Guys, is it just me? Or that woman over there is listening to our talks."

"What are you talking about? How can a human see us? We are lurking around here for years but no one ever saw us. But you are saying that she can hear us. What a bullshit."

When Anastasia heard about this. She understood that the ghosts were suspicious about her. That's why she took out her phone and started playing some games while completely ignoring them.

"See, she didn't saw us. If she did then, do you think she would have been standing so casual like that?"

"Then how about we check it out." The ghost looked at Anastasia and saw that she had enormous mana inside her. If they all fed on her, then they don't have to be worried about their existence for centuries.

When she saw them coming towards her. She started to shake because of feeling scared. She didn't know what they are going to do with her.

That's why she started to head towards the crowd so she could feel safe around the people.

Also, they won't harm her in front of all the public. Right?

The ghosts also realised that she could see them that's why they began to run after her.

While she was running she slipped on something and fell on the ground.

God knows, what is her obsession with falling on the ground in life-threatening situations?

But it was not her fault this time. One of the ghosts used his ability to make her trip.

Anastasia tried to get up from the ground many times but her legs were frozen. She could not even feel her feet. Maybe the spirit did something.

Because of feeling scared. She grabbed her necklace tightly and closed her eyes and was ready to be eaten by them. but by doing that she didn't noticed that the necklace she was currently wearing was glowing enormously.

Anastasia opened her eyes and looked at the ghosts and saw that they were staring at something behind her with an frightened expression. And soon after that, they all turned into ashes and disappeared in the air.

Anastasia was shocked to see that sight. Even though she was hesitant to look behind. But still, she gathered her courage and decided to look behind her to find out about exactly what were the ghosts were scared of?

When she turned around. her eyes met with a fierce gaze. It was someone who she was longing to meet from yesterday.



"I am sorry I am late." Isabelle barged into the room and went towards the casket where Ronan was kept. and bowed to Agnes while apologizing for being late.

Agnes crossed her arms and stared at her coldly "do you even know what happened just now!?"

Isabelle looked at her while being confused. "What do you mean by that? What happened?"

Agnes sighed and closed her eyes to calm herself. "The police were investing the case and they have arrested a maid who was having an affair with Ronan as a prime suspect."

"What!? That makes no sense. Why would a maid do such a thing? She is gonna get nothing by doing that."

"Exactly my point, I think Margaret has her hand in doing this. Because she wanted to take revenge on the maid. I don't know if it's true or not but I have a gut feeling that it is planned by her."

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