75 Echoes of the Past

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Cassandra stood at the vibrant party, surrounded by lively conversations and echoing laughter. But her mind felt clouded, and a sudden sense of unease plagued her thoughts. The air felt dense as she mingled with the guests, but she couldn't shake off a disquieting premonition.

As she made her way towards the exit, a peculiar vision washed over her. In her mind's eye, she saw a woman cloaked in darkness, gliding slowly towards a blazing fire pit.

The flames danced hypnotically, casting eerie shadows on the faces of fervent onlookers. They lowered themselves before the woman, their heads bowed in reverent submission. A faint melody of incantations filled the air, carried by whispered words in an unknown language.

Cassandra's heart raced as the vision consumed her senses. She understood that this wasn't a mere hallucination, but a foreboding glimpse into the future. Something sinister was about to unfold, an event that could unleash havoc upon all those involved.

She quickly needs to tell about this to Victor. Who knows what problem this vision was trying to warn her?


Inside the old dusty room, Equinox tried to find Victor's diary which she knew he might keep it somewhere here in the library. After getting it, half of her questions will be answered. Why everything happened? What went wrong that time that she had to lose her everything?

She was trying to find it by skipping through various other books, when suddenly she heard foot steps noise coming inside the library.

She quickly got up from the place and hided inside a cupboard so no one can see her.

Victor walked inside his old library and noticed his personal box out in open. Someone was skipping through all the books he has written.

He raised his eyebrows wondering who it might be. Only he knows the secret code of entering his personal room. It might be someone close to him who might have entered inside.

Equinox breath was caught off guard when she saw it was Victor. She was scared to move because she knew he would recognise her even by the sound of her breathing.

If by chance he caught her, she will have no chance but to confront him. She can't use her magic in the diamond palace so talking to him while changing appearance would be impossible. He won't fall for same trick again and again. She have to wait till he leaves.

After some time, the room again went quiet. She heard noise of door closing. Which means he might be gone now.

She slowly got out from cupboard, making sure no one was around.

Her attention was so on fixing her dress that she didn't noticed that she was not the only one who was present in the room.

"You really thought i left?"

By hearing the voice, Equinox's soul almost left her body. She wanted nothing but to run away from that place. She was not ready yet. Her body was standing like a statue, not daring to move.

As Equinox stood frozen in the dimly lit room, her eyes locked with Victor's, a torrent of emotions flooded her senses. She felt the weight of a thousand years bearing down on her, memories swirling just beyond her grasp like whispers in the wind.

Victor's gaze held hers, searching, probing, as if seeking answers in the depths of her soul. His eyes, once familiar, now seemed like distant stars in a night sky, shining with a mixture of longing and pain. He wanted to go towards her and hug her and tell her how much he missed her. But he could not anymore except standing in same place staring at her.

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