13 One heart, two souls

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(I would be referring Ezen as Adrian because he is in his body currently so don't get confused)

Adrian looked at the mansion from the top of the hill.

It was the only place that was built in this forest.

The Perkins ancestors were from the very powerful bloodline of healers.

They were also one of the people who trapped him in that forbidden forest centuries ago.

If by chance he escaped from that place then it was their duty to put him back inside it again.

But Isabelle couldn't even sense his presence which means she doesn't possess the similar power as her ancestors.

It was good news for Adrian though. Because if Isabelle doesn't have that skill then she is nothing but a regular healer and she can be identified as a human now. That's why she was not the main threat anymore.

Adrian glanced at the window of the mansion and saw that one of the lights of the room was still on which means Anastasia was still awake.

He always used to know that Anastasia was the one who would take him out of his misery.

He would have came out a long time ago if it was not for Isabelle's daughter Claudia moving out of the village making plan fail.

He still tried to get many people to come inside the forest by mind-controlling them but none of them were successful to take him out from there.

That made him so enraged that he decided to trap them all inside that loop by letting them see their worst nightmare so they could know how worthless they were.

But the strange part was that Anastasia opened that underground door very easily. But most of the people struggled miserably while trying to open it.

Looks like she was naturally made to do this thing.

But how?

In the prophecy, he made centuries ago. It was written that the person who will take him out from that sacred door will have very low mana inside their body that can make them sick to death.

But meeting her earlier. She looked very normal to him. Not a pinch of her mana was gone from her body. That made him think like what type of power does that girl even possess?

And the time she healed his hand made him even more shocked. Because as per as he knows that the Perkins bloodline ended years ago when Isabelle's daughter married a non healer person. That means her next generation would not be a part of the healer's clan. If that's the case then how can Anastasia possess that power?

While he was thinking about it. Succubi came towards him and snapped her fingers near his face and chuckled while looking at his stunned face. "What are you thinking about?"

Adrian looked and her tiredly and rubbed his eyes. "I don't know. I am just feeling very uncomfortable with this human body. How do they even live like that?"

Succubi nodded in agreement. "True, then why don't you come in your original form? I mean this body looks hot but your original body has its own charm. I mean your looks even seduce demons of hell. Do you think that the humans are going to resist?"

Adrian unbuttons a few of his shirt's buttons because he felt like choking in it

"You think that I didn't tried? Being trapped in that sacred door made my power go so down that I can't even come in my human form anymore. I am so thankful for my luck that I found this awesome human container who was waiting for me to posses him."

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