61 Memory box

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"So her friend betrayed her?" Equinox asked while looking down disappointedly.

"Sadly yes." Morana sipped her green tea and said. "You know... In our life, we will face betrayals many times. But because of that, you don't need to be sad. All we have to do is move on." That's the law of universe. You'll meet many  karmic people, who are just here to make us a better person. To glow like a sun, you need to burn like it. That's the process everyone in the world goes through."

"I agree. I have been through that too. I know what Anastasia might be going through." Equinox sighed. She knew all this is supposed to happen. But sometimes she wonders. Why is this world so cruel? "I don't understand why the people we love the most, hurts us?"

"Betrayal never comes from enemy. You know that right?" Morana crossed her arms. "After all, every thing happens for a reason. Sometimes some people betrayal causes the whole world to suffer." She smirked.

"What do you mean?" Equinox asked with confusion. She felt like Morana was taunting her.

Like the sentence she said was just to remind her about the blunder she made centuries before.

"Look at your face." Morana chuckled. "Don't get too anxious. I am not trying to taunt you. Let bygones be bygones. Right now, you should focus on your present." She looked at the door. "Anyway... Change your appearance. Someone is coming to meet you."

"Who?" She asked.

Morana replied. "Your forgotten past."

Equinox didn't understood what she meant. But her vision became clearer when she heard voice of someone who she never wanted to meet.


In the Hepswell valley, Ezen was called by some fellow demons to investigate a new porter which was found there.

When he entered inside the small cave, a demon named Telvoz greeted him. "Hello your highness." He bowed.

"Yeah whatever" He covered his nose and said. His mood was off when he entered this place. Even though there were many trees in these area. A disgusting awful smell was coming from inside the cave. "What's with the smell? It's looks like someone left a stinky rotten corpse over here. Even hell don't smell like this."

"Actually, some miles away, humans drop their garbages there. The smell is so bad that even magic can't take it out." Telvoz bowed apologetically. "Sorry for inconvenience Sir."

"Don't worry about it. I have dealt with worse." He remembered the time he was locked in the forbidden forest. Atleast this place is better than that. "Anyway.. where is the portal?"

"Yeah.. this way sir." He showed him the way.

When they arrived there. Ezen saw a big blue hole inside a wall. The hole was sparkling and felt like it was a portal. But if you looked close enough, it was something else.

"I need someone to go inside it." After he said it. A large black raven came flying towards him and sat on his shoulder.

"Order master" The raven bird stuttered his wings and bowed.

"What took you so long Sam?" Ezen asked.

Sam was one of the rare raven who could talk.
Before Sam was also a normal human being but because of the sin he did in his past life, he got trapped inside the purgatory.

As an option he got 2 choices, Either he can live in hell for rest of his life or he can transform into a raven and serve Ezen.

Both of the options was very hard for him, but he choosed the second option. So atleast after serving him he can get reincarnated again and relive his life as a good person.

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