24 Name on the tombstone

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Anastasia walked towards the place where Emily and Ruby were playing.

There were a lot of butterflies hovering around them. Both of them looked very happy while trying to catch them with their hands. They were enjoying the moment.

Seeing this scene, Anastasia would have been very happy, but currently, her mind was diverted in some other thoughts, that's why she ignored everyone around her and sat on the edge of the fountain while being in a deep thought.

Emily and Ruby also noticed her behaviour. They thought that something must have happened to her, because Anastasia was not smiling like before.

She looked tired and pale like she has just seen a ghost. They started to feel very worried about her and her silence was stinging them, that's why they went towards her to ask her if something was wrong.

But she shrugged them off by saying that nothing happened.

What is she supposed to tell them? That she saw Crown prince Victor Dalton? Who died 1000 years ago? Will these people believe her if she said that? And the answer is no.

They knew that something must have gone wrong but they can't force Anastasia to answer it if she don't want to. That's why both of them decided to back out from the matter.

They should have known that there was some problem when Anastasia did not follow them out.

But it is not their fault either. They thought that Anastasia is an adult so maybe she might need her alone time to explore the palace by herself. But looks like the matter is something else.

"Guys I think we should leave, my head is paining so badly because of this sunny weather. I can't stay here any longer. So let's go" Anastasia said while picking up her bag.

She didn't wanted to stay in this place for even a single minute. To be honest, she just don't want to stay in this village any longer.

It has not even been 1 day before she came here but she started to feel homesickness from now.

She was very irritated by this place. Because she could feel it in the air of this village that a lot of innocent people has lost their life in this place and that thought was very disturbing for her. Like she was here when that bloodshed happened.

She wants nothing but to leave this place. If she stayed here for too long then it will greatly affect her mental health. Because being able to see ghostly stuff is not normal for anyone.

She missed her home. So she have decided to leave from Scotland tomorrow morning. And she will inform about that to her mom later through the text message.

But there was a problem, she don't want to leave her grandmother here alone.

But for that she has an idea. She will take Isabelle in London with her and they all can live happily together and if she denied then she have no other choice then doing little emotional blackmail to her. Doing that is not wrong. right?

But one thing is clear, that she won't stay here for sure.

Ruby checked her phone and noticed that she has recieved a new message from someone.

It was from Agnes. She just messaged ruby to inform her that she has left from the funeral so it will be okay if she visit her now.

Ruby takes tutoring from Agnes, in which she gets to learn about how to make medicines from trees and plants. But today her class was dismissed because of the funeral.

But now it is the perfect time. Maybe she could take Anastasia to visit Agnes's courtyard where she keeps her herbal plants.

"Anastasia i heard that you are also studying medical. So if you don't mind then would you like to visit Agnes? She makes very effective medicines by herbs, so maybe it will be beneficial for you in the future."

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