48 Cupid's Touch

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While walking on the road, Anastasia glanced at Equinox and noticed her acting unusual.

When she came back in the haul after changing her clothes. She saw Equinox's nose bleeding uncontrollably. That time she understood that something bad might have happened when she was inside.

Anastasia wanted to ask her about what happened. but she decided to let it slide because it would be rude of her to ask about it.

Equinox felt Anastasia gazing at her for minutes. That's why she decided to speak something before the surrounding becomes awkward. "I am sorry for making you late. You missed your lecture because of me."

Anastasia shook her head in response. "Don't be sorry. My lectures ended minutes ago. I am just going because i wanted to submit my assignment. That's it... After that, we can go back again."

"Ohh.." Equinox looked down and started to count her steps before they arrive into the university.

She couldn't wait till she get her powers back again. Because of not having memories anymore. Her head were making hallucinations of someone who she don't know anything about..

Just like before, she felt like Lilith was near the doorstep. But when in reality, there was no one there.

Maybe someone was there. But she got tricked thinking that there was no one watching her.

Seeing Equinox like this. Anastasia started to feel uneasy. That's why she couldn't help herself from asking the question. "Did something happened before? I am sorry for being nosy but if you feel like talking to someone. Then just come to me. Alright?"

Equinox chuckled. "You don't need to worry about me... Just take care of yourself. You are the one who is in danger now. Because if my Visions are true then..." She suddenly stopped because she didn't wanted to tell Anastasia about the visions yet.

Anastasia got curious while listening it. "What visions are you talking about?"

Equinox gave an awkward smile. "Uhh... Nothing. Just remember to protect yourself. Alright? Don't talk to any strangers you meet. Not all are trustworthy."

"Okay?" Anastasia couldn't understand why Equinox was suddenly telling her this. but she decided to keep this thing in her mind. Because if Equinox is telling her then it means the matter is important.

"By the way, did you really lived in the 1400s?" Anastasia started to daydream about it. "I wish I was alive in that period of time... It might be awesome living a care free life like a princess."

Equinox laughed when she heard it. "Care free life? In the 1400s? Trust me, that era was a nightmare for everyone. Mostly womans... ofcourse."

Anastasia: "What do you mean? Were womans really treated badly those days? I mean, i know this already but i can't believe that in a place like Stafford village. People were living miserable life."

Equinox: "I am not talking about just Stafford village in particularly. I mean whole world used to treat womans like an object. I mean, what can we do? That time there was patriarchy everywhere... Even the princess were not happy in their castle."

Anastasia got more interested in the history. "Ohh, so if everything was so bad that time then how did you lived? Did you got any jobs?"

Equinox: "Yeah, i got many... I was a maid, a waitress, actress, healer and a socialite too."

Anastasia: "In all the centuries you lived. Did you ever got married?"

Equinox: "No..." she laughed. "I am a half demon that's why i am not allowed to marry any humans. It could harm the nature's flow." Even though all the demons mission is to end this universe and nature's flow but Equinox never wanted it to happen.

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