44 Hell dimension

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Anastasia glared at Ezen because she was really mad. "You are such a selfish bastard." She got emotional. "Someone wants to sleep peacefully but you are not letting me... How dare you!!"

Ezen laughed. "Why are you so cranky today?"

Anastasia: "If you won't let someone sleep then sure as hell they will be cranky." She rubbed her eyes.

Ezen: "Yeah right... Now go ahead and start the resurrecting process."

Anastasia yawned again. "I forgot the book in my home. So... We can't do the ritual now." She got up to leave but then she saw Ezen carrying something that looked similar to the book he gave her.

Ezen: "I knew that you would do something like that. That's why I have a copy of that book." He threw the book on the ground. "Read it."

Anastasia took the book angrily and sat on the ground. "You better pay me extra for working overtime."

Ezen: "Sure. I'll give you 50 millions. What do you think?"

Anastasia nodded with satisfaction. "I like that.."

She looked at Equinox who was laying on the casket peacefully. But she could still feel the sadness in her body. That's why she touched her hand just so she could feel what Equinox is going through now.

She closed her eyes and tried to connect with Equinox's soul. But when the connection became successful, her whole body started to feel like it was burning.

That time she saw a vision. In that, a woman was getting burned alive. There was fire everywhere in the place and screams of everyone could be heard.

Then she realized. She was in hell right now. But she forgot how to come back from it.

Then suddenly a demon came closer towards and smirked. "Welcome to hell! Did you see these people getting tortured?" The scary demon smiled creepily. "You are going to be next." He laughed maniacally. "Your death is coming."

Anastasia cried while shaking her head. "No! I will not die."

Because of her spirit form crying. Her original body also couldn't control her emotions.

Ezen also felt the emotions that's why he tried to calm her down. He caressed her hairs. "It's okay. Come back in this universe." He used his powers to suck her bad feelings out.

When Anastasia heard his voice in the hell dimension. She found her way out and got back in her body.

She breathed heavily. Her body was feeling weird that's why she held Ezen tightly. "My goodness. I literally visited hell. It was the worst experience ever."

Ezen scolded her. "I told you already. Don't try to connect with Equinox. She is in a torturing area of hell. Thank goodness, you didn't entered the main area. otherwise it would have been hard for you to come back."

Anastasia wiped her tears. "So... Equinox is being tortured? That's why you want to save her?"

Ezen nodded. "Yeah.."

Anastasia found it weird. "But... Why would they tortured their own people? She is a demon too right?"

Ezen: "She is. But in hell, no one check who they are torturing. If someone disobeyed them then they are supposed to die. That's the rule."

Anastasia got scared. "You also disobeyed them by saving me? Are you going to get tortured too?"

Ezen chuckled. "Why? Are you scared for me?"

Anastasia: "Yes I am scared. You saved me. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Ezen: "Well, to be honest. I owe you everything. You helped me many times, I don't know what should I do to thank you properly."

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