29 Deja Vu

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Anastasia heard someone snapping their finger in front of her face. That thing made her come out from her memories.

Ezen looked at her with tensed expression "What happened? Where were you lost?"

Anastasia: "Nothing, i was just thinking about something. But let's go back to our conversation." She became cocky again. "I am not going to help you."

Ezen: "Why not!? I'll give you anything you want. Just help me once."

Anastasia: "Because i am scared. What if something happened to me while doing that? And i don't even know anything about resurrection. So i won't help you."

Ezen: "What if i teach you how to do resurrection? Will you help me then?"

Anastasia: "Do you know how to resurrect people from dead?"

Ezen: "No, i don't have that power. There are only 5% of resurrectors alive in this world. And as per my knowledge. You are one of them."

He found out about it from the book he stoled from Ronan.

In it, there was a page that showed how to bring dead supernaturals or human back to life again.

Anastasia: "But how can you be so sure that i am a resurrector?"

Ezen: "I just feel like you are one. And my instincts are never wrong. But if you still have doubts then let's test it." He picked up a rat from the ground and squeezed his body.

Anastasia was so close to vomit on the floor. "Eww, Why would you do that?" She started to cough.

Ezen: "What Eww? This rat is going to die tomorrow anyway. So what if I took him as a test subject?"

Anastasia: "But still" she covered her nose because of the smell.

Ezen: "Now stop being a diva and come here so you could bring him back from dead."

Anastasia was hesitant. "I don't want to do this. I will vomit if i touched it."

Ezen got annoyed when he saw her getting irked by it. "What type of doctor are you going to be in the future? if you get scared to even touch this little creature's dead body. Your patients are going to die a miserable death for sure."

Anastasia got offended by it. He should not make fun of her future profession like that. It hurts her.

He sighed. "Okay come here. I'll take the fear out of your body."

Anastasia got confused. "Can you do that?"

Ezen: "Yeah" he pulled her closer and touched her arm so he could suck all of her negative energy inside him.

Ezen: "it's done. Now go touch it."

Anastasia felt everything very clear. She didn't felt any kind of negative energy anymore.

So without getting scared. She went towards the rat and touched his body. "Now what should I do?" She asked Ezen.

Ezen: "Give him your healing energy. He will come back from dead."

Anastasia still didn't understood what to do. "What?"

Ezen: "Just close your eyes and keep thinking that you want to bring this rat back from dead."

Anastasia did as he said. And that time she felt like it was a deja vu. Because this same thing happened when she got trapped inside the forbidden forest.

Difference is that. In that time the ghost was guiding her. And now Ezen is guiding her.

Ohh, wait a second. Does that mean. Ezen was that jerk ghost himself?

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