54 Protecting my family

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Author note:- I have been noticing that the readers are getting less nowadays. If you guys find anything wrong with my book then let me know. I would love to know your opinion.

But now, i won't bother you anymore. Go ahead and read it. This chapter is longer than usual.

Have a good day/night


Chapter 54

When Anastasia returned home she was greeted by her mother who also just came home from her work.

"Anna? What happened dear? Is everything okay? Claudia touched her face to check if she was alright or not. "How was your day with your friend?"

Anastasia sighed and hugged her mother tightly. She just wanted to feel some warmth because her day was very weird. "Mom, do you trust me?" She asked in a low voice.

Claudia hugged her back and caressed her long hair. "Of course love, why would I not trust you?"

Anastasia looked at her mother and asked. "Will you believe me if I told you that I still see ghosts and demons?"

Claudia looked away and closed her eyes tightly. She tried various ways to get her daughter out from this disorder. But it feels like it was always there. God knows when her schizophrenia is going to be treated.

She looked at Anastasia and asked her with a concerned voice. "Baby, are you off your meds?"

Anastasia's hope broke when she heard this. "So you still think i am crazy?" She looked away from Claudia to hide her tears.

"Anna, it's not that..." She went towards her to console but Anastasia didn't waited any longer. She quickly ran into her room and locked the door.

Emily who was studying in her room, suddenly heard a noise of a door being shut. She understood that Anastasia was back home and was upset about something. That's why she went to meet her.

Their bedrooms had a secret door that leads them to enter each other rooms. That's why Emily entered from that place like a rat.

When she entered Anastasia's room. She saw her laying on the bed, while burying her face in the pillow.

Emily crawled into the bed and hitted Anastasia's back a few times to wake her up.

"Emily go away! I don't want to talk to anybody!" Anastasia said while being irritated.

"Who said I want to talk to you? I just need your help with my homework. It's an emergency. I need to submit it tomorrow." Emily made an innocent face.

When she heard this, Anastasia sat on the bed and looked at Emily. "Just ask whatever you want. And then leave."

Emily smirked. "Ask about what? Homework? I am sorry sister. But I lied."


"Because I wanted to see that miserable face of yours. Nothing else." Emily chuckled.

Anastasia took a pillow and threw it at Emily. "Don't talk nonsense and go study!"

Emily caught the pillow and threw it back at her. "No! First tell me where were you? You were with your boyfriend. Right?" She said while teasing.

"Stop putting salt on my wounds. I don't have no boyfriend."

"Then go find one. What are you doing here?" Emily threw another pillow at her.

Anastasia caught the pillow and suddenly remembered someone which made her smile. She smirked mockingly while looking at Emily. "Forget about my boyfriend. But do you know who I met in the forest, the day before yesterday?"

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