59 Death is not the end

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While taking small steps, Anastasia went towards Ezen. She was afraid about falling on the wet ground. But thankfully, it didn't happened.

"Thank goodness I found you. You know how much time it took me to find you." She said with worried expression. She tried to look at his face but he was facing the other direction, like he didn't wanted her to see him.

"Ezen?" Anastasia placed her hand on his shoulder and turned him around to see him. She knew something was wrong, that's why she was concerned.

As Ezen turned, She was shocked. "Y- you are turning?" She saw his human like figure slowly turning demonic. She was not scared by seeing him like that, she was just worried about the burn mark he had on his cheek because of the effect of the holy water. "Are you okay?" She tried to touch his cheek in hope of healing it, but Ezen stopped her.

He held her hand and pushed her away from him. "Anastasia please don't touch me." He knew that he loose control over himself whenever he turns into his demonic form. What if he accidentally hurt her in the moment of rage? He didn't wanted that. That's why he told her to stay away. "Anastasia please go! I don't want to hurt you"

Anastasia knew she should leave, but don't know why her heart was telling her to stay. "Fine I'll stay away from you. But atleast, let me help you. Maybe I can do something to stop you from turning."

Ezen sighed. He was already in pain because of the holy water and now, he also needed to control his blood lust. It was very hard for him to keep calm. "It's okay. You don't need to do anything. This effect will cool down after some hours. So please... just leave."

"It's not just about you Ezen. I can't leave you here alone. There are many people here. What if you lost your control and did something? No! I can't let that happen. I am not going anywhere!" Anastasia was determined.

"Fine! Do whatever you want, but just stay away from me" Ezen said while giving up.

Because of her sensitive hearing, Anastasia heard few footsteps walking towards them. She looked and Ezen and thought what if those people saw him?

Ezen also sniffed the smell of the blood bank coming towards them. He was about to pounce on them, when Anastasia suddenly came out of no where and hugged him. He was so shocked by her sudden act that's why he couldn't even move his body. His mind felt like it was in peace. The blood lust he had before, was gone. After few second when his mind was calm he tried to push her away but Anastasia stopped him.

"Shh.. Don't move! they are here" saying that, she moved closer to him and hugged him tightly.

Ezen didn't know what she was trying to do, but he decided to go with the flow and acted like they were having a moment.

Suddenly, two drunk couple who was trying to find a empty space, saw them. "Woah! Looks like this place is already taken." The drunk guy said. He held his girlfriend's hand and dragged her somewhere else. "Let's find some other place baby."

Seeing those couple leave, Anastasia sighed and broke the hug. She looked at Ezen and apologized. "I am sorry. I didn't meant to make you uncomfortable. I know you don't like being touched- but I really didn't had any choice. If those people who have seen you then it would be ruckus, and I didn't wanted it to happen."

"It's okay.. You don't need to explain anything. Actually I wanted to say tha.." before he could thank her for controlling the situation, a raven came flying towards him and sat in his shoulder.

The raven has bought a message for him.

Ezen closed his eyes and groaned. "Why now?" He whispered. He looked and Anastasia and tried to tell her that he needed to leave. If the work was not important, then he would have stayed but now, it was impossible.

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