55 An Evil Blessing

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"What!?" Equinox screamed loudly while she was talking on the phone. "Are you sure the person who attacked you is Larissa Perez!?"

"I am damn sure!" Anastasia nodded and looked outside her window to see anyone there. "Her name was Larissa Perez, Mimi would never lie to me."

Equinox got anxious when she heard her name. "Ohh no! I don't understand what she wants now?" She looked away in frustration.

"Wait! Does that mean you know that woman?" Anastasia became suspicious.

"Yeah... I know her very closely." She became very mad by thinking about them. "You don't know what Larissa and her brother did to me in the 1400s." Equinox tried to control her anger. "I'll tell about them later but first, most importantly... Go cover your door with salt. Alright?" She explained.

"But why with salt?" Anastasia became confused.

"Because it blocks bad energies and traps them outside your house. That's why please do it fast so they can't come inside your house."

Anastasia agreed to do it. "Alright."

Before she could hang up the call, Equinox thought about Ezen's odd behavior earlier. That's why she got more anxious. "But wait! Did something happened to you before? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I collapsed on the floor after using all of my power while casting the spell to throw Larissa out of the house." She smiled. "But don't worry I am okay now. My body got healed on it's own."

"Thank goodness you are safe" Equinox sighed with relief. "You guys should break your soul bounding as soon as possible. If we delay it longer then I don know what might happen next."

When she heard this, Anastasia got worried. "Wait! If I was unconscious then does that mean, he also?"

"Yes... It affected him too. He is still in the unconscious state."

"What!?" Anastasia became stunned. "But I am awake now! Shouldn't he be awake too?"

Equinox tried to calm her down. "Relax! Don't worry about him. He is okay. He is just being extra dramatic because it was his first time being unconscious. Nothing else..."

Anastasia felt bad. "But I am still feeling guilty. Because of me, he is..."

"No! Don't feel anything like that." She warned. "Ezen is the one who screwed up and he should feel guilty about it, not you." She scolded her like an older sister. "But anyway, take care of yourself. Drink water and stay hydrated. Alright?"

"Okay," Anastasia chuckled. "Let me know if you plan on finding Larissa. I'll come there with you."

"As you wish..." Equinox smiled. "Bye, take care." Saying that, she hung up the phone.

"What a sweet girl." She kept the phone on the table and saw someone entering the room with a morose face.

She looked at Ezen and smiled sarcastically. "How was your sleep your highness!?"

"Shutup!" He rolled his eyes and sat on the sofa while clutching his head which was paining.

"Really!? Is this how you talk with your elders? Did your parents not thought you how to respect people?" Equinox crossed her arms.

"Don't talk about my parents. My father was neglectful and my mother..." Ezen sighed. "Well, she only saw me as a pawn. So please let's not mention them." he touched his head in pain. "Uggh, my brain feels like it is going to blow up."

"You are crying about small pain!? Do you know what happened with Anastasia?"

"What happened to her!?" He became so impatient that Equinox got stunned.

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