27 Helping the ghost boy

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Anastasia was thinking if she should go back to the Perkins mansion or not. Because she didn't knew how Isabelle would react by the fact that she stayed out for so many hours.

Anastasia: "I know you are missing me grandma but i don't want to come home." She said while looking at isabelle picture in her phone.

While she was getting sad while thinking about it. Someone was desperately trying to communicate with her.

"Shuk shuk" she felt something whispering in her ears.

She looked at her phone's selfie camera and noticed a little boy in it.

He was pale as a ghost. And had alot of scars in his body. His left eye was broken. He looked like he was killed by a knife.

Seeing him suddenly made her stunned but she didn't showed it that way.

She was looking in her phone so she could show the ghost of the little boy that she can't see him. But the boy was so smart to understand it.

"Look! there is a big cockroach on your feet."

Hearing that, it made her jump in her place. "Cockroach!? Where is it?"

The little boy laughed at her. "I caught you."

Anastasia crossed her arm and looked angrily at the boy. "It is not good to joke about someone's phobia. What if I had an heart attack? Are you going to take me in the hospital?"

The boy: "You know i am a ghost right? Most people pee their pants when they see me. But you didn't." His eyes sparkled "Sister you are really brave."

Anastasia: "Thankyou, i know that you were a ghost. That's why i was trying to ignore you. But here we are. So now tell me quickly what do you want? Why are you roaming as a spirit? Do you have an incomplete wish?"

The boy nodded. "Yes."

Anastasia felt awful for him. Because dying by this brutal way might have been very traumatic for the child.

It shows that he was murdered by looking at the cuts shown in his body.

She kneeled on the ground and looked at the boy. "I am sorry, but i can't help you with whatever wish you have. Because i need to take care of myself too. Right?"

The boy: "but i promise, my last wish is not going to take anyone's life. All you have to do is just, give my home's camera footage to the police station that's it." The boy cried.

"Please you are the only one who can help me. Because the others run away just by looking at my sight. That's why please bring justice to me. I want to see the person who murdered my family behind the bars."

Anastasia: "okay fine, i will help you but first tell me what exactly happened to you."

The boy: "Umm, my father was a big land lord in this village. One day, our village's mayor came into our house because he wanted to buy our ancestry land. But my father refused to give it to him that's why he tried many illegals way to get the land but it obviously didn't worked out. That's why he murdered my whole family." His face started to become dull.

Anastasia: "The mayor you are talking about is the one who died just now? Right? I heard about it." She started to think about something. "But i have question, if your murderer is dead, then who are you going to put in the jail after giving the footage to the police?"

The boy: "Ronan Richardson is not the only one who killed my family. Even government is responsible for it." the little boy's voice started to sound serious. "This village is being runned by a very corrupted person. The government don't give a damn about the village's economy. They only wants money. Even if everyone is dying because of not getting any food or water. But still they haven't did anything about it. They are being very tyrannical."

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