42 Witches

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Anastasia was very happy because Isabelle and Claudia finally ended their differences.

She didn't know what they talked about, but she was pleased that they are atleast speaking normally with each other.

Her today's day went really smoothly. She went to her part time job. Met her friends at the university and did many interesting things with them. That's why she was really tired.

Her back was really paining.

It was already midnight. She passed her bedtime because she was very intrigued while reading the spell book that Ezen gave her.

Resurrecting was really a really interesting subject. She was just doing her research about it with the help of the internet. but then, her ruby necklace suddenly started to glow.

Anastasia scoffed. "Now, what the hell he wants!?"

She clenched her necklace and closed her eyes to connect with him. "What do you want!? Why are you trying to connect with me!?"

(Are you ready?) The sexiest voice whispered in her ears.

Anastasia: "Ready for what?"

(I mean, are you ready to go in the graveyard?)

Anastasia: "It's almost midnight. Why will I go there?"

The voice turned annoyed. (Woman, Do you have short term memory loss? Did you really forgot what we discuss in the morning?)

Anastasia also became annoyed. "Ezen you are so rude! And no, I don't have short term memory loss...." She sighed. "I just don't want to visit the graveyard at night. You know that I can see ghosts and other beings. What if I saw a scary monster? Do you want me to get traumatized?"

(You are not going alone, I am with you. So why are you getting scared?)

Anastasia: "I just want some reassurance."

(Then I will reassure you. Nothing will happen to you. Trust me.)

Anastasia: "Then fine, just give me 10 minutes. I'll get ready...." She was so close to opening her eyes but then she remembered. "Wait! Are you coming to pick me up?"

(You want me to?)

Anastasia: "Yes I do." Yesterday's incident still kept her shaking, that's why she was little bit scared to go alone in the streets.

(Alright... Get ready, I'll come to pick you up after 10 minutes.)

Anastasia opened her eyes and their mind connection broke. She left her locket who she was clenching before.

She stood up from her chair and went to change her clothes into a casual wear.

It's night. So she decided to not do any makeup on her face because she is visiting a graveyard, not a fashion show.

She took her bag and decided to sneak out from her house without anyone's knowledge but when she entered the main haul. she saw someone sitting on a rocking chair.

In the dark, it was making her unable to see the person's face.

She thought it was some kind of ghost, that's why she thought about ignoring it. But then suddenly the lights switch got on. And she saw the person's face.

It was Emily. She got scared for nothing.

She touched her heart while huffing. "Emily do you want to kill me? You would have given me a heart attack!" She scolded.

But Emily started giggling. "You were not scared because I was sitting in the dark. You are scared because I caught you red handed."

Anastasia got mad. "What nonsense are you taking!? Isn't it past your bed time? Why are you not asleep yet? Do you want me to tell mom?"

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