31 She choosed this fate

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Even though succubi and Equinox were half sisters. But she never liked her one bit.

Because in hell, many people used to admired Equinox for being an powerful witch. And succubi would have always been living in her shadow from a young age.

Equinox possessed a magic of being an enchantress. And on the other hand, succubi possessed the power to make any creature fall in love with her.

But she used to always see her powers as something disgusting. She was no doubtly was one of the powerful species of hell but still, many demons used to look down upon on her. Like in earth, people looked down on prostitutes.

She had been called many bad names like whore, slut etc etc. But she didn't care because that's the advantage of being a demon. You don't have emotions.

She has been living in this earth for more than centuries. Just so, she could mate with a human and give birth to a demon offspring.

It was her task to complete the job. But in any of that, killing the person after mating was not mentioned. She did it because she wanted to have fun.

As you know, in ancient times womans were treated very badly. They used to get tortured, abused, assaulted. But no one ever cared that it happened. That's why she took the matters in her own hands.

After giving those scums a wonderful night. She also gave them a return gift called free pass to enter hell.

She gave all those crazy men a miserable death and enjoyed every bit of it. But no one ever complimented her for doing that. They all only chanted for "Equinox" about how modest she was.

Succubi loved Ezen the most but guess who he was close to? It was Equinox.

She was the only family member he ever cared for. Now, he is even ready to loose the throne just so he could bring her back from dead so he could complete their stupid promise.

Equinox and Ezen only had pure sibling bond from young age. Ezen used to just see Equinox as his older sister and a mentor because she was the only demon who was not selfish and greedy like the other demons. She understood his position and uniqness from others.

Most creatures of hell used to hate Ezen because he was very different from them.

He was the first full blooded demon who wasn't born disfigured.

He had a face of a human being, but the face was so mesmerizing that it could make anyone fall in love with him. And this thing became very beneficial for him when he tried to manipulate anyone.

He had 2 body forms. One was the human form that looked like it was carved by god.

And the other one was the demon form. This form looked scarier because of his demonic beast face and long sharp claws. But the most intimidating part about his demon forms were his yellow glowing eyes. If anyone looked at it, then it means death is coming to meet them for sure.

Because of Ezen's unique abilities. He gained the most favor and love from the empress side. And also because of being the offspring of the two powerful monarch of hell, he also got the position to be the next heir to the throne. That's why succubi wanted him.

Even though she loved him too much. But somewhere in between there was her selfish disire hidden. And ezen also got the hint of that. That's why he always acted rude with her. But after staying away from him for so many years. She has changed now. Even though she hated Equinox the most in her life but if bringing her back is going to make Ezen happy then she is ready to do anything for it.

Succubi: "So tell me, how are we going to ressurect Equinox?"

Ezen: "First we need to find the coffin where i kept Equinox's body. And after finding it, i will ask Anastasia to resurrect her spirit completely."

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