25 You are adopted

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Anastasia: "What the hell? Why is my name written on this tombstone? And why did it says that i died in 1998? I was born in that day. So how is this possible? And if i died on my birthday then how did I grew up? " She said panickingly

Agnes: "Listen child, i want you to calm down. I know what i am going to say is going to hurt you alot, but you deserve to learn the truth. I can't keep you in the darkness forever."

Anastasia: "What do you mean? What truth? And what darkness?. Miss Agnes please tell me everything, i have seen many weird things in my life but this case is very abnormal. Are you trying to say that I am a ghost? Is this why i could see all the supernatural creatures?"

Agnes: "No, you are not the ghost. You are a human just like everyone else. But the only difference you have is that, you are not a normal being."

Anastasia: "huh!?"

Agnes: "Anastasia De Rossi, the first daughter of claudia and Eliss De Rossi died in claudia's womb while she was in labour. I hope you are understanding what i am implying."

Anastasia: "No i am not, i don't understand anything you are saying. And why are you taking my name in the third person? You are talking about me, right?"

Agnes: "Anastasia you are not understanding!" She sighed "you are adopted."

Anastasia felt her world stumbling before her.

She is adopted? So the people she has been living with for 22 years are not biologically related to her? Her life was a lie.

She has been living as a substitute for their real daughter. Even her name is not hers. If that's the case then who is she?

She didn't even had the words to ask anything to Agnes because she was too shocked to say anything. That's why she kept silent.

Agnes: "Claudia went in coma after giving birth to a dead baby and Isabelle knew that claudia would be very heartbroken if she learned that her child died. That's why she prayed to god everyday in wish to get her grand daughter back. And one day the wish came true, she found a little miracle in her doorstep waiting for her." She looked at Anastasia with serious expression "Do you want to know who that miracle was?"

"It was you."


(22 years ago)

5 September 1998

Isabelle lighted the candles in front of the statue of the god and started to pray again.

She was doing this for past 5 days and she is not going to stop unless she gets what she wants.

She intervened her fingers together and closed her eyes to pray.

Isabelle: "God you gave me everything i wanted, but this time you took away my biggest happiness. Claudia lost her baby girl and currently she is in coma. I could bring her out of the coma with my magic, but i can't bring back my dead grand child." Her eyes started to become watery. "What is the point of having powers if i can't even save my own family?" She sighed.

"I feel so powerless right now. But i know you are going to help me in some way. Please just give me my granddaughter. I promise I will never ask for anything again in my life. Please, i have saved many people with my powers without asking for anything in return. But please, just this time. Show me that you are looking after me."

She opened her eyes to see if something has changed but nothing was different. She again closed her eyes in disappointment, but then she heard a noise, the noise was of a baby.

A baby? Why is there a baby's noises in her house?

She quickly ran towards the place where the crying noises were coming. She went towards her door and opened it. Their she saw her, the wish she has been dying to get.

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