16 Anastasia is scared

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(Author's Note- Today's chapter is going to be longer than usual. So enjoy.)

I am also going to add some photos so your imagination could grow more while reading.


                 ANASTASIA'S NECKLACE

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                            EZEN'S RING

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Chapter 16

(Author's Note- Today's chapter is going to be longer than usual. So enjoy.)


Anastasia was very anxious at the moment. That's why she decided to go to the balcony to breathe fresh air.

She couldn't sleep because of thinking about what happened before.

If Emily didn't send her to the forbidden forest then who did? Nothing was making sense to her anymore.

Is she seeing ghosts again like she did in her childhood? If that's true then it would be a nightmare for her. Because this was also one of the reasons why Claudia decided to move out of the village.

She don't remember much about her childhood but when Anastasia was just 5 years old. She started seeing things that other people couldn't.

Most people thought that it was just her imaginary friend but only she knew that, it was not true. The creatures she saw and spoke with were in-fact real. But... people never believed that.

Then one day, something happened that made everyone change their perception.

"Don't think about it, don't think about it. Everything is okay now. Don't worry." Anastasia tried to calm herself down while tapping her foot on the ground.

She took a deep breath and gazed at the moon in the sky. The moon was reddish because of the lunar eclipse. It looked very threatening yet beautiful.

While looking at it. She started thinking about Adrian.

Is he also some kind of supernatural creature? Or is she thinking too much? Because why would anyone go to a forbidden place without any motive.

Was he not scared of breaking the rule?

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