76 We can't abandon her

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Equinox couldn't say anything but stare at Victor, her heart torn between the flood of emotions rushing through her.

The memories of their shared past, the love they once knew, and the pain of their separation surged within her.

Looking at him she only wanted to ask one question about why he killed her in past. She didn't know if it was true or not but others kept telling her this only. She wanted to know what happened that day.

As Equinox gathered the courage to speak, her lips parting to address Victor, a sudden vision seized her mind. The 2nd vision she saw about Anastasia was coming true. The vision where a woman was walking near a pit of fire. That time she couldn't tell who the woman was, but now she could see it clearly, that girl was Anastasia herself.

"No... not Anastasia!" Fear claws at Equinox's throat, choking her words as she struggles to convey the urgency of her vision to Victor. "Go save her!"

"What!?" Victor got confused seeing her crying. "Anastasia what!?" He also started to panic.

"Equinox!" Ezen barged into the room to tell her about what happened. If it was some other day he would have been mad that she met Victor. But now he was so desperate to find Anastasia that he didn't even notice them holding hands.

"Larissa and Julian abducted Anastasia. I am so stupid. I should have never left her alone in that room! I don't know what to do." He said with a heavy heart.

Victor's composure faltered, panic flashing across his features as he confronted Ezen. "Why did you even bring her here? You knew she would be in danger then why!?"

"Listen, Victor, it's not time for our argument." First time in his life, Ezen swallowed his pride in front of his enemy. He was ready to do anything to save Anastasia. "Just tell me where Dahlia is. She is the only one who can save her now."

Victor sighed and replied. "I don't understand why you guys came all the way here to find Dahlia when she was right beside you all along."

Ezen got confused. "What do you mean?"

"Anastasia is Dahlia! She is her reincarnation. It's weird that you couldn't feel your own soulmate's existence. Did you never felt any relation with her? Or why didn't you wonder about why out of all people only Anastasia took you out from the forbidden forest?" Victor says in a calm tone. "It was all Dahlia's plan before she became human. She wanted to meet you in her next life that's why she freed you."

Ezen thought it was all a joke. It can't be true. "You are lying. Dahlia was supposed to be born 1000 years ago in your family. It can't be Anastasia as she is only 22 years old. Your entire bloodline died in 1400 then
How can she be dahlia?"

Equinox was shocked when she heard it. That's when she started to remember. "Ohh. Now I know how... in the 1400s Princess Amara gave birth to a baby in wedlock. No one knows where that baby went after the chaos. So does that mean Anastasia is..."

Victor nodded. "Yes, Anastasia is my niece. I brought her in the future so no one could harm her. I first gave her to Agnes and then she kept that baby near Isabelle's doorstep as her grandchild died that day."

Equinox started to connect the dots. "So the mimi Anastasia talk with is none other than Amara Dalton?"

"Yes. And now Mimi is the only one who can tell us Amara's location."


"Please, anyone!" Anastasia whispers in a hoarse voice, lying there in her jail cell. She's desperate for help but resigns herself to the fact that none will come. She lies there, wounds stinging and pulse in her leg still painful and throbbing.

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