71 Who is Dahlia? (2)

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Author's note:- We finally got 12k views in this novel. Thank you so much for your support. I was so happy that I thought, let's update another chapter.

Don't forget to vote. Your comment will mean a lot to me.

I am not going waste your time any longer. Have fun reading. Chapter is longer than usual. Goodbye.


Chapter 71

As the clock struck seven, Victor hastily organized his desk, ensuring every document was neatly filed and stacked. He shut down his computer making sure to save his work, and grabbed his belongings. He was all set to go home when Cassandra came inside his cabin.

She looks worried about something. Her face could clearly show, she wanted to tell him something.

"What happened?" He asked calmly, sensing the matter's urgency.

"Someone came to meet you." Cassandra replied while looking outside the door, still nervously.

"Meet me? Now?" He glanced at his watch. "I don't have any appointments. Who came to meet me at this hour?"

"Actually... It's me." A mysterious figure appeared in a cabin. He silently examined the room, while his eyes gleamed an unknown purpose.

"Julian? You? Why are you here?" Intense rage surged through his veins as he locked eyes with him. Make sense why Cassandra seemed so nervous. "What do you want now? You already have everything you need."

"Chill brother! I am not here to annoy you. I actually came here for a good cause." He move forward and kept a letter on his desk. "Me and Larissa are planning on again starting the Enchanted Shadow festival. We both want you and Cassandra to come there. After all, your ancestors are the ones who started it."

Enchanted shadow festival was one of the main festivals in the supernatural world. On that day, all supernatural creatures including demons, fairies, angels, ghosts, goblin. All come together to celebrate this date. This day was the only day everyone could forget they are enemies.

Since the incident which happened in 1400. No one celebrated this festival again. Everyone might have forgotten about this thing. Then why is Julian so keen to celebrate this festival again? Is there any ulterior motive behind this?

"So you are going to open the doors of the diamond palace again? Whose permission did you take?" Cassandra got mad. What is he even trying to do? "Stay within your limits Julian. Don't forget Victor still owns that palace. If you plan on doing anything with it, ask for the permission."

"Why do I need permission?" Julian chuckled. "If you don't remember, let me remind you. Victor donated all his assets to the government. I am just renting diamond palace for 1 day. I don't understand what's the big deal is?" He turned towards Victor. Because talking with Cassandra was of no use. "Brother, please. I already did everything. I would be glad if you also come there. Please. Can you come?"

"No. It's not impossible." Victor shook his head. He has nothing to do with Julian anymore. "Do whatever you want but don't involve me in this. If  Cassandra wants to go, she can."

"No way! Even I am not interested." Cassandra knew being with Julian means ruining herself. She didn't wanted to be associated with him. She already has plenty of work pending. She picked up the letter and gave it back to Julian. "Since no one is coming. We don't need it here. Please take."

Julian angrily took the letter back. He has never been rejected by anyone before. After so many years he wanted to reconcile with his cousin again. But Victor was showing attitude. He was way mad than before. "Fine! Don't come. But mark my words. You will miss out on many things. Maybe the person you are trying to find will meet you there."

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