36 Stalker

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All of them finally arrived at aunt Charlotte's restaurant and sat on the chairs.

Anastasia was more tired than before. "Now my legs are hurting more and it is all your fault poppy."

Poppy looked at Anastasia with her chocolate brown eyes "How is this my fault!?"

"Stop fighting girls." A middle aged woman came with a tray and gave them glasses filled with cold water.

Charlotte: "My customers are going to run away if they saw you guys fighting."

Poppy: "Mom! this is not my fault now. This bitch Anna always blames me for things."

Charlotte caresses Anastasia's head protectively. "Ohh please don't call her that. She is a good girl. Why would you call her the b word?"

Charlotte was such a elegant lady that's why she never says any bad words.

Anastasia looked at poppy while smirking. "Yeah pops. I am such a good person and you always call me a bitch." She hugged Charlotte while crying fake tears.

Charlotte tried to calm her down. "Love, don't cry. I'll make you your favourite apple pie for you. Just stay here, alright?"

Poppy couldn't believe her eyes. "Good girl who? When? How? Anastasia did you really changed your personality in front of my mother? You are worse than Emily."

Charlotte shushed her daughter. "Shutup poppy! And by the way, where is Emily? Is she not here?"

Anastasia: "She is talking with her friend outside."

Charlotte looked at the two traveling bags on the ground. "And what about this luggage? Where were you gone?"

Poppy: "Mom i told you! She went to visit her grandmother yesterday."

Charlotte: "Ohh, and you came back in just 2 days?"

Anastasia played with her hairs "Yeah! I got homesick."

Charlotte: "Aww, i understand. But anyway, i should get back to the kitchen." She smiled at Anastasia "Order anything you want, alright? Till that time, i will make your favourite apple pie. So have fun."

As she left. Poppy screamed from behind. "Atleast ask your daughter what she wants."

Charlotte said in a professional tone. "Then order it."

Poppy looked at Anastasia like she was betrayed. "Seriously Anna? You stoled my mother?"

Anastasia: "That's how i feel when you come to my house. So take that."

Even poppy gets spoiled from claudia.

Poppy laughed. "True, but i don't understand one thing. Why do people think that you are a good girl when you are completely different around me? What is this conspiracy theory?"

Anastasia: "It's people's perception about me. I am not a good girl, i am just shy. And with you, i don't feel shy anymore because you are my soulmate pops. I feel like i can show you my true self and i know that you will not judge me."

Poppy smiled. "Offcourse i won't, why would I judge you? We have grown up together from our childhood and we also know each other's darkest deepest secrets. So i don't think i will ever judge you. But what about you? Will you judge me?"

Anastasia: "Little bit" she tried to control her laughter but poppy got offended and hitted her arm.

Poppy: "don't do that Anna. I thought we were bonding."

Anastasia: "Who said we are not?"

Poppy: "Then tell me! What happened in your trip? Did you had fun?"

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