49 Past Link

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"Equinox!?" Anastasia came outside and found no one there. Where might she be gone? She thought to herself. She literally checked the whole university but Equinox was no where to be found.

She panickingly touched her soul necklace and tried to connect with Ezen.

"Please make it work! Atleast once." She started to prey and thankfully her connection with Ezen's soul became successful.

Ezen, who was currently killing the ghosts who Lilith told him to assassin. Suddenly got a mind signal from Anastasia.


Ezen took out the dagger from one of the old ghost's heart and threw his entire body into a pit of darkness so he could not run away.

He also signaled his demon companions to finish the rest of the ghosts by themselves.

He went away from the bloodshed and wiped the blood on his face. Ezen tried to calm himself so he could connect with Anastasia's soul easily.

(What do you want? I am currently very busy. I need to ruin many people's life so just say what you want to say fast.) He said calmly but Anastasia who was very nervous suddenly exploded when she got the message.

(Busy!?) She scoffed. (Here I am dying of a heart attack and you are busy!? Why can't you buy a phone? Do you know how hard it is for me to cast this spell to connect with you?)

Ezen tried to control his headache. This woman really has some serious anger issues. He thought to himself.

(Just tell me what the emergency is..)

(Umm...) Anastasia's voice suddenly became quiet. She didn't know how Ezen would react to this news. (Equinox is missing.)

(What!?) He became stunned. (How!?)

Anastasia kept blabbering nonstop. (It is not my fault... I just thought that she needs some fresh air. that's why I took her to my university.)

Ezen can't understand what goes through her mind. If he told Equinox not to go outside then there must be a reason behind it. Why would she still do that?

(Why would you do something like that!?)

(Because... Why not!?)

Ezen sighed. (Fine! Just calm down. I am coming there as soon as possible... Just try your best to track Equinox down.)

(Yeah..) Anastasia took a long breath and opened her eyes again making the connection break. She blinked for several times and noticed some passersby giving her worried looks.

She was standing in one place without moving for so much time that people started to think she was a statue who suddenly came back to life.

Anastasia gave those people an awkward smile and ran away from that place as soon as possible.

After huffing like crazy, she sat on the bench and started to check her belongings to find out if anyone has stolen them or not when she was a statue.

Thank goodness no thiefs were roaming around the area at that time. From now, she decided to be extra careful while using spells in public.

She glanced at her phone and suddenly remembered about the GPS tractor which was inside the phone she gave to Equinox. She quickly opened the app and tried to locate Equinox's location.

While she was doing the digging up on her phone. She didn't noticed that someone was watching her from the top of the restaurant.

A waiter came with a tray full of red wine and handed one glass to a mysterious man who was staring at Anastasia continuosly while talking on the phone.

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