67 The Orphanage

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Author's note:- This is the longest chapter I wrote. Hopefully you will like it.

Chapter 67 The Orphanage

Equinox ran downstairs immediately and saw Succubi fuming with anger. She looked like a mess.

Thank goodness she told Anastasia to stay upstairs only. Who knows what succubi will do in a fit of anger?

"Long time no see succubi. Where were you these days? Didn't see you for months." Equinox asked nicely, but Succubi was not in the mood to play.

"I have works to do, unlike you." Succubi looked at her scornfully. "Why am I even talking to you? Get away from me. Where is that bitch Anastasia!? I am going to kill her." She tried to go upstairs but Equinox stopped her.

Equinox held succubi's hand tightly. "Calm down! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What the hell is wrong with me? What is wrong with you?" Succubi's face turned red with anger. "You knew it. Right? You knew I wanted to marry Ezen but still you..." She gritted her teeth. "Let it be. You are not even worth my time." She shrugged Equinox's hand off her and dashed upstairs.

Anastasia who was nervous, heard footsteps of someone running towards her.

Equinox was running behind Succubi to stop her. But too late.

When Succubi entered the room, she couldn't control her anger. She felt betrayed. She wanted to take her anger on someone. When she saw Anastasia, she wanted nothing but to kill her.

"You bitch!" She moved forward to slap her but Anastasia held her arm. She was not going to let anyone bully her.

"That's not a nice way to greet someone." Anastasia held her arm so tightly, that succubi's skin started to burn. When she felt it was enough, she left her hand. "Now say, what happened?"

Succubi moaned with pain when she left her hand. "Don't act innocent. You know what you did." She glared at her.

"Succubi! That's enough! Get out from her!" Equinox screamed, telling her to leave.

"No, wait." She looked at Equinox. "I want to know." She crossed her arm and stared at succubi. "What did I do?" She wants to know what her problem was.

"You married Ezen? Do you think you deserve him?" Succubi yelled angrily.

"What? You were mad at me for that?" Anastasia chuckled. "Yeah, I did. So what?"

"Don't be so arrogant. He only used you. If you would have been some normal girl, he would have not even looked at you." She gave her a disdainful look. "You are nothing but a human vessel for him. Just wait and watch. He will throw you out of his life just like that."

"Okay." Anastasia nodded. "Let's say he did used me. So... the matter is between me and him. Right?" She clasped her hand. "If that's the case then why are you getting mad? What are you? His girlfriend?" Seeing succubi silent she smirked. "No right? That's what I thought."

"You!!" She snickered. "You think you are special? Your marriage is not even legal." She looked at Equinox. "Right sis?"

Equinox looked down. It was the truth. According to book 011, a supernatural creature can only get married to their soulmate. If they married someone other than them, then that marriage will be called invalid.

She don't understand why Succubi was making a scene. Not like she was Ezen's soulmate.

"Oh my god! I am so hurt." Anastasia said sarcastically. She started to get tired of her tantrums. "You think I care succubi? Why are you projecting your insecurities on me? I feel pity for you."

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