41 Game of destiny

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"But I have some questions. In that movie, they said that some of the events were based on a true story. So is it true?" She looked at Victor while trying to find the answer.

Victor: "Yeah, some of the things were in fact true but the movie spiced it up and made it sound like a horror mystery. I mean, yeah... Cassandra did disappeared from her grave after the incident but that doesn't mean she was kidnapped by a creepy monster like they showed in the movie." He laughed by remembering the movie scene. The monster was really funny looking.

Anastasia got excited. "Does that mean, Cassandra is still alive?"

Victor: "Yes she is."

Anastasia: "Oh my god! So do you love her like they showed in the movie?"

Victor got awkward. "Umm.."

Anastasia felt guilty for asking this. She covered her mouth. "I am sorry, did I make you awkward? I should have never asked about this. I am so stupid." She blamed herself.

Victor: "It's not like that... Me and Cassandra were just friends, nothing more."

Anastasia got confused. "But I thought she was your fiance? Wikipedia shows that only."

Victor: "She was my fiance but not anymore..."

Anastasia: "Ohh... So if there was no love story and no monster then how did you died?"

Victor: "I died because of love." He said while thinking of someone.

Anastasia became confused "If you didn't loved Cassandra then who..." Her eyes turned big with shock. "There was someone else!?"

Victor got up from the bench he was sitting on. "It's already late. I need to go to work." He didn't wanted to reply.

Anastasia: "You can't just run away without answering my questions?"

Victor: "I am sorry kid. but I need to leave." He decided to leave because he was very late for his work, but then Anastasia said something that made him stop.

Anastasia: "Uncle Victor please tell me." She really wanted to know who his lover was.

Victor was stunned when he heard her call him uncle. "What did you call me?"

Anastasia: "I am sorry. Can I call you that?" She don't know why she said it.

Victor nodded. "Sure." He thought about something and then he remembered.."Yeah... I forgot to give you this" Magically a grimoire appeared in his hand. He then handed it to Anastasia.

Anastasia took it from his hands. "What is this?"

Victor: "This is my sister's grimoire. She was also a resurrector, just like you. That's why I thought I should give it to you. There are many spells inside it so please learn them. It might be useful for you in the future." After that, he heard cackles of woodpeckers from the sky. That means Cassandra was calling him.

Victor: "I should go. Take care of yourself. If you need to call me then cast a spell that is written in the book. I will be there for your aid.'

Anastasia nodded. "Thanks."

Victor disappeared right after saying that.

Now Anastasia was alone in the park. She took both the books in her hand and kept staring at them.

Maybe by reading those books, she can learn a few things about her power.

She heard her phone vibrating and noticed that poppy was calling her for the past few hours but she didn't noticed it.

She dialed her number and called her back. "Poppy why did you called? What happened?"

In return, she heard a loud scream from the other side. "COME HOME FAST!!!" Her eardrum broked by hearing poppy's voice.

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