33 It is not a reunion

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Anastasia rubbed her eyes. "It feels so weird." But victor stopped her from doing that.

Victor: "Don't do that, your eyes will pain."

Anastasia: "But did that spell worked?"

Victor glanced at her neck and noticed her birth mark glowing. "Yeah, it did. But you should not show your powers to anyone." He snapped his finger and made her eyes to stop glowing and hided her birth mark. But Anastasia still had no idea about all of this.

Anastasia: "Why can't I show my power to the world? I have been doing this since my childhood and I don't really like that. It feels like I am hiding a part of my personality."

Victor: "I know how that feels. I have been through that way before you. But you need to hide it otherwise this world will use you until there is nothing left in you."

Anastasia: "But why!?"

Victor: "Because the world is a very dark place. They think that if someone is unique. That means they are freaks. People will bully you for being different that's why you need to hide it."

Anastasia: "Miss Agnes told me that I need to hide my emotions otherwise something bad will happen to the world. Why is that?"

Victor: "Because you are special and every special people go through that phase. It is very normal. It happened to me too and don't worry, I'll make you a new red knotted bracelet. Nothing bad will happen. Just control your power alright?"

Victor looked at the palace and noticed a very powerful dark energy was coming towards him.

That means Ezen found out that he came back in the village again. Now, he got to safely send Anastasia home.

Victor: "Listen, you need to go. You are not safe here anymore." After that, he quickly teleported Anastasia into the perkin's mansion and stayed there only, so he could face Ezen on his own.


(In Perkin mansion)

Anastasia got teleported back into the mansion and saw Emily circling around the garden back and forth while trying to call someone. She looked tense. That's why Anastasia was feeling worried for Emily.

But she could not muster the courage to go inside the house, because she was scared to face Isabelle.

Emily was furious at Isabelle for not picking up the phone. That's why she hung up and slammed her phone on the table.

She looked around and noticed that near the gate. someone's dark shadow was staring at her. That's why she angrily stormed towards the person. But then she saw who the person was.

Anastasia quickly covered her cheeks because she thought Emily was going to slap her but instead she gave her a tight hug and started to sob.

Anastasia tried to calm Emily down. "Emily, why are you crying? I've never seen you like this. This is awkward."

She hitted Anastasia's arm. "Then why did you covered your cheeks?"

Anastasia: "I was scared. I thought you were going to slap me."

Emily wiped her tears and became annoyed again. "Well, I was not planning to do that. But looks like you do need a good slap."

Anastasia: "Don't you dare, I am older than you. Have some respect for me."

Emily: "Then act like one."

Hearing the loud commotion from outside. Ruby came into the garden to check what exactly happened and noticed that it was just Anastasia and Emily arguing with each other.

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