40 Blood at the night

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Ezen: "And what is graveyard hunting?"

Anastasia: "Graveyard hunting means that we are going to hunt corpses in the graveyard at night." She smiled brightly because she thought her idea was the best.

She looked at ezen for affirmation but he was not buying it. "You are creepier than me! Are you sure that you are not a demon or something?"

Anastasia got frustrated. She made this awesome plan but now he is rejecting this offer. "Why!? What is wrong with this idea!? My plan is far much better than going into a killing spree." She looked serious. "I don't care about anything. We are going to the graveyard at night and it is final!" She yelled loudly so he could hear it clearly.

Ezen covered his ears. "Stop being so bossy! Who do you think you are!? Why will i listen to you!?"

Anastasia: "You need to listen to me because i said so." She rolled eyes. "And... Not like you have some other choice... So in the end, you need to come to me only." She leaned towards him and smiled. "If yes, then hold my hand." She extended her hand towards him.

Ezen kept his both hands in his pocket. "Why does this line sounds so familiar?"

Anastasia giggled. "Ofcourse you will find this line familiar. Afterall i stoled this dialogue from you."

Ezen: "That is not fair! You can't steal my dialogues."

Anastasia: "Yes i can do that. The author of this novel wants me to steal your dialogue and i am doing as she says." She looked at me. "Right Riya?"

[The author covers her face while writing this chapter.]

Anastasia got serious again. "But anyway, are you going to listen to me or not?"

Ezen: "If i said no then, what are you going to do?"

Anastasia smiled sarcastically. "Then i am not going to do anything about it. I will just walk out from your house with a smile on my face. So don't be afraid, not like i am going to beat you or something."

Ezen raised his eyebrows "Ohh, so you want to beat me now!?"

Anastasia shook her head and chuckled. "No! I don't condone any kind of violence. And do you think i am crazy? How can I beat a powerful demon by myself?"

Ezen agreed. "Alright, as you wish. Let's do as you say. but remember one thing, if something bad happened then don't blame it on me... It will be completely your fault."

Anastasia: "Why are you thinking negatively before even we went there. You should be positive sometimes, and if something bad did happened, then what are you for? If something bad happened then you will handle it, right?"

Ezen nodded. "Sure. But you need to protect yourself more.... I am immortal, nothing can happen to me, but you are a human so you need to take extra care of yourself."

Anastasia: "You don't need to worry about that. I am pretty strong myself. So if any danger came towards me then i will fight it."

Ezen: "I don't doubt it. I know you are strong but it is better to be safe then be sorry."

Anastasia: "Alright then..." She took her purse. "I should be leaving." She glanced at the magical book that Ezen gave her. "And yeah, can i please take this book with myself? Because it has lot of new spells and i want to learn it."

Ezen handed her the book. "Sure, but don't show this book to anyone else, otherwise all of the pages will get burned." He lied. Nothing  like that would happen. He just made up this story just so Anastasia could not show this book to anyone else.

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