65 Special Guest

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"Come in." Ezen said as he buttoned his suit. He  did not notice who has came inside. He thought that it might be maid, that's why he didn't pay much attention.

Anastasia grinned as she entered. She knew he was thinking her as someone else, that's why she decided to keep playing the role of nobody.

"Your highness did you forgot you have a wedding today?"

Hearing her voice, Ezen's heart skipped. She was here? How did he not notice.

He turned around and saw her wearing the wedding dress he bought for her yesterday.

Last night when he was returning home after dropping Anastasia. He saw a beautiful wedding dress outside a mall. He don't know why but he thought he should take it for her. It would really suit her. He thought.

Looking at her now, he was not disappointed.

The dress really fitted her perfectly. 

Anastasia fake coughed to get him back from his lost state. She smirked. "You know... I didn't expected you to bring me something. But you did... So thank you." She bowed in appreciation.

"You don't need to thank me. Actually I need to thank you. You did so much for me, the dress is nothing compared to it."

Anastasia nodded and smiled.

"You look very happy today?" Of course she would be. Today was their last day together. After their wedding, they have no reason to meet each other. She would finally be free from him. "Don't worry. After everything ends, I'll pay you your price."

Anastasia's face turned dark. "My price?" She chuckled. "Ofcourse this contract was only thing keeping us. After this ends, there would be nothing between us. I'll be free again." She looked happy while speaking. But from inside, she felt hollow. 

There would be nothing between them? She went into a deep thought while thinking. "I have a question. Do you mind if I ask about it?"

"Not at all. Please ask." He was ready to answer anything.

"See... Technically, you are in Adrian's body. So how is this wedding going to work? Will I be married to him?" This thought made her very uncomfortable.

"No at all. This is not that kind of wedding most people do. It's a soul marriage." This marriage is very different from mortal marriage. Unlike humans, wedding in the supernatural realm have different customs. In that, there is no reason for physical body to be present.

"Ohh." Anastasia found that interesting. Thankfully she don't have to marry Adrian. It would be hella awkward marrying someone you don't know nothing about.

"So.. after getting married you will go back into your original body?"

"Yeah." Ezen nodded.

Interesting. Anastasia became curious. Wonder what he really looks likes.

Ezen knew she might be thinking about this only. He chuckled while staring at her. She looked extremely funny right now.

Anastasia came out of her thoughts and looked at him. She got confused. Why was he laughing? She was going to ask him about it. But she stopped when she heard Equinox calling them downstairs.

"Guys come down fast. We have a guest!"

Anastasia became puzzled when she heard it. Guest? Who is that? She looked Ezen to know if he knows anything about it. But he also didn't had any ideas.

Exactly who is this guest?


"Come on sir. Why are you being so shy? Please have some tea." Equinox told the maids to get some snacks.

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