39 Graveyard hunting

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Anastasia came outside her house but saw no one there.

Why is he not here? She thought to herself. But then she remembered what Ezen told her yesterday.

(If you can't see me tomorrow then don't worry, just hold your necklace in your hand and then say my name 3 times. I will be there.)

Anastasia sneered after remembering it. She felt like she was calling a bloody Mary.

What is this stupid tactics to call someone? Why can't he come here like a normal person? He always wants to be extra while doing anything.

She closed her eyes and called his name while holding her locket. "Ezen come here fast. Otherwise i am going to puke on you."

Ezen was already there but by hearing her talking trash about him. His face turned annoyed. "Go puke somewhere else!"

Anastasia opened her eyes and smirked. "I know that you were here. So why did you do all this drama? Huh?" She said while mocking. "Call me three time! Why? Are you a bloody Mary?"

Ezen was confused. "Who is that?" He didn't knew who bloody Mary was.

Anastasia: "It is an urban legend. If you call her name 3 times while being in front of the mirror then she will come out from it and kill you."

Ezen: "I can do that too. I can also kill you while coming out of a mirror." he tried to jokingly grab her neck but Anastasia stopped him from doing that.

Anastasia: "Ohh really? Try me! Do you seriously think that i am going to let you kill me like that? Keep dreaming. If you don't know then let me tell you, i am a pink belt in karate." She tried to do little karate steps but it looked like she was dancing.

Ezen chuckled. "Pink belt? Those type of belt doesn't exist in karate. What are you talking about?"

Anastasia: "It do exist in my type of karate... Afterall, i am a trend setter." She flipped her hairs. "People always copy whatever i do."

"Yeah right." Ezen rolled his eyes. "But we are late now so let's go before someone from your family see's us and make weird assumptions about us being together."

Anastasia also nodded. Her family is little bit of crazy type. "Yeah, let's go. My family is capable of doing something like that."

Ezen holded her hand. "Fine then, let's go." After that he teleported them towards his mansion.

Poppy was stunned to see this sight. She was taking pictures of Anastasia and that man so she could later investigate about their relationship. But her eyes stayed wide open after seeing them disappear from her sight in just a second.

She was so terrified that she accidentally dropped her phone on the ground while breaking it completely.

Emily heard this sound and woke up from her half sleep. She felt like someone was firing guns. "What the hell happened? Who died?" She woke terrified and went towards poppy.

Emily touched her shoulder. "Why are you staring outside of the window while being terrified? Did you saw your own reflection in there?"

Poppy got offended. "What do you mean by that? Huh?"

Emily laughed. "Just kidding. What are you looking at?"

Poppy: "Anastasia was with a man." She said while being confused.

Emily jumped with joy. "What!? She was with a man?" She started to do her victory dance. "I am going to be an aunt. Yay! I am going to be an aunt."

Poppy stopped Emily from dancing. "Stop dancing for stupid stuff. I don't know if it is true or not. Because afterwards when I saw them, they disappeared into a thin air."

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