34 I need you

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Ezen: "Why? Do you know her?

Victor: "I don't feel the need to tell you about this. And also, it's none of your business."

Succubi got annoyed when she heard her name.

How does Anastasia come between all of the conversations?

Is there any connection that she can't see?

Ezen smiled with satisfaction. "Hmm. You know her, that means she is not a normal person for sure. She has some kind of connection with me, right?"

Victor didn't said anything about it, but by seeing his silence. Ezen understood that slowly the dots will connect with each other on their own. All he has do, is just wait.

Ezen: "Alright, don't tell me anything. I'll find it out by myself. After all, meeting me is written in her prophecy. So I know, there is something more in that."

Cassandra got confused. She is the one who found out about the prophecy, then how did Ezen learn about it?

Cassandra: "Who told you about the prophecy? Because I never mentioned anything about it to you."

Ezen: "Ohh Cassandra, how stupid of you! You really thought that you are the only one who could see other's future?" He looked at victor and smiled mockingly. "Ask Victor, he knows that person very well."

Victor closed his eyes to control his emotions.  But now, Ezen was talking too much. He got to say something about it.

Victor: "If you know so much about the prophecy then you might also know that your death is already written in that. So don't be too overconfident about being an immortal because Prophecies are never wrong."

Ezen: "Yeah right, my death. The most infamous gossip that is spreading around in the supernatural realm. But the question is, who is going to kill me? You?" He laughed. "Come on, victor. I killed all the people from your bloodline. Only you are alive. but at what cost? You are not a human anymore that means you can't kill me." 

If an archangel from heaven becomes 1000 years old then they get a chance to incarnate on the earth. and the bloodline where they were going to be reincarnated, was known as the "descendants of the heavens".

The start of this bloodline happened when Adam and Eve were casted out from the garden of Eden.

That's why God made many kids through them, just so his legacy could continue.

Victor was also from the same bloodline. That's why he was heaven's favourite from his birth.

He not only got many powers but he also inherited the whole empire of the Stafford village.

He was going to be the future king of this Kingdom. That's means he had a lot of people's responsibility on his shoulder.

But he was not scared of that. He was anxious for some other matter.

It all started when a powerful shaman of the Kingdom heard a prophecy coming from the heaven.

The prophecy was that a human descendant of the heaven will have a power that could wipe an entire population of the hell. That means the world would be free from all the demons.

He thought that it was easy because for that, all he has do, is kill the sole heir of the hell (who was Ezen at that time.) But it all changed when he met her.

His one choice made the whole world turned into a Chaos. And he is still getting punished for the mistake.

Victor came out from his memories and looked at ezen. "I know, I can't kill you but it doesn't mean I can't trap you back into that dungeon like I did before. So stay away from Anastasia. It is for your own good."

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