60 Betrayal

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"Anastasia? What are you doing?" Poppy came running and saw Anastasia sitting in the bench with emotionless face. She was staring at something. "Anna you are freaking me out. What are you looking at?"

Anastasia looked at Poppy with indifference. "Pops? Where were you?" She tilted her head like she was staring into poppy's soul.

Poppy got afraid because of her changed behaviour. She thought Anastasia was playing a prank. "Stop playing with me! I know you are trying to make me scared."

Anastasia smirked while staring at her.

After some time she looked away from her like she was bored.

What happened to her suddenly? Poppy thought. She shrugged and tried to make Anastasia get up from the bench. "Anyways.. Come let's go. We need to go somewhere."

Anastasia got up from the bench while her legs were shaking. "Where?"

Poppy fixed her hair. "Somewhere special." She smiled.

While holding Anastasia's hand. Poppy took her in the middle of the forest. There was darkness everywhere. She couldn't see a thing.

"Where are we?" Anastasia whispered softly while shivering.

"Don't worry darling. Everything is going to be perfect." Poppy said while taking something out from her bag.

"I don't like this place. Let's just leave.." She was about turn around, but before she could do that, she felt sharp pain on her back. Anastasia scoffed with pain. She touched her back and saw blood on her hands. She couldn't believe herself.

Her best friend Poppy was holding a dagger in her hand. She was staring at her with no remorse. She was not feeling guilty. Instead she looked satisfied. Like her longtime goal has finally have been achieved.

"Poppy!?" Anastasia fell on the ground while moaning with pain. She still couldn't digest the fact. Her friend betrayed her. Poppy betrayed her!!

After all this, only one word came out of her mouth. "Why?" Anastasia really wanted to know it? Why did she do it? What was the reason?

Poppy chuckled when she heard it. "Why I did it?" She grabbed Anastasia's mouth tightly. "I did it because I could." She laughed maniacally. "You don't know what you gave me Anna! I killed you. Do you know how much your life cost?"

Poppy bitted her lip. "Now finally I am going to get what I want. I am going to be the most powerful witch this world would ever see." Her eyes slowly started to get white and green light started to surround her.

She joined her hands and started to pray. "Oh empress of hell. With your blessing I am going to complete my task. Please shower me with your powers." Saying that, Poppy grabbed Anastasia neck and started choking her mercilessly. "Die!!" She laughed.

Anastasia kicked her legs in the air because she couldn't breathe at all. She tried to push Poppy away, but it was of no use. Slowly- slowly her soul started to leave her body. She tried to fight but sooner, her body turned colder. It was the end.

Poppy smirked while looking at her dead body. She was still hesitant. "Did I killed her?" She touched her body to check if Anastasia was breathing. After making sure she was really not breathing. Poppy danced with joy. "I killed her. I killed Anastasia." She giggled.

She was very happy but who knew her laughter were soon going to turn into cry.

"Are you sure about that?" Poppy heard voice of someone coming from behind her.

She turned around to see who it was, and got stunned. "Anastasia!?"

"Peekaboo.." Anastasia smirked.

Poppy started shaking. "If you are here then
Who is she?" She turned to see at the dead body who was on the ground.

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