30 Old Married Couple

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Ezen: "If yes, then hold my hand." He extended his hand towards her.

Anastasia crossed her arms and gave him a sarcastic smile. "No thank you. I will politely decline your offer."

Ezen: "You are ruining a good chance to be my sidekick. Not everyone has this opportunity. People are dying to get my favor and you are here being ungrateful about it?"

Anastasia: "Oh lord. How much ego you have inside you? I already rejected your offer, so please have some shame and leave me alone."

Ezen: "And what if I didn't? What are you going to do about it?" He went closer towards her.

Anastasia: "If you even tried to come near me then i would have no choice but to call my guardian angel. And if he found out about it, then i don't think he is going to keep you alive."

Ezen laughed like he just heard some joke. "What a little kid you are. You really believe that your so-called guardian angel is going to come from heaven just to save you from me? Aww, don't live in those kind of fantasy land because no one in this world has enough power to stop me from being around you."

Anastasia: "You are just salty because you don't have anyone to protect you anymore." She flipped her hairs dramatically. "Unlike me, i have been protected by heavens since my birth. They said that i am made for doing something greater in my life." This is what mimi told her when she was a kid.

Ezen: "Ohh, so you already knew that you are not a normal human being? Wow! And i thought that you don't know anything about your powers. I am feeling so stupid right now."

Anastasia: "It is because you are."

Succubi who was watching their squabbling for more that a minute got frustrated by their talks. Because she thought that they were fighting like a old married couple. That's why her jealousy was out of control.

Succubi: "STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!!!" She screamed by top of her lungs making her feel breathless.

Anastasia and ezen went speechless. Seeing succubi act like a crazy lady, They both decided to shut their mouth.

Succubi looked at ezen with a sad expression "Are you seriously going to leave me? Because of this bitch?" She said while pointing towards Anastasia.

Anastasia got offended when she heard succubi calling her a bitch. Only her best friend poppy can call her names. Not anyone else.

Anastasia: "That is so rude. You don't even know anything about me. Then how dare you call me me a bitch? I could say the same thing to you but i am not going to do that. Because i have class."

Succubi: "You little..."

Ezen: "Stop it succubi! You know that you are in the wrong. So opologize right now."

Succubi felt embarrassed because of Ezen scolding her infront of Anastasia. But why should she opologize her? Why is Ezen being so considerate towards Anastasia? Thinking about it made her more jealous of Anastasia. But she have no choice now, she can't dismiss Ezen's order.

Succubi made a cocky face and looked away from Anastasia. "I am sorry" she pouted.

Anastasia: "No problem. I have forgiven you already" Even though Anastasia knew that succubi didn't said sorry from her heart. But still she forgived her because she don't want to make a scene there. But if it was some other time then she would have never left her like that.

Ezen was dissapointed when he heard succubi opologize. Because her "sorry" sounded so fake like someone is forcing her to say that.

Anastasia: "Succubi i never thought that i would ever meet you. But trust me, I knew that your personality would have been exactly like that in real life."

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