58 We are ENGAGED?

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While sitting near the river. Anastasia kept her legs inside the water and started humming. She enjoyed hearing ripples that the river made.

Her surrounding was peaceful. There were few people around her- but, it didn't matter. She could currently only focus on the happiness she was feeling.

"Isn't it wonderful? I wish I could stay here for long." She grinned while looking at Ezen, but in return she got his same cold look.

Anastasia sighed. "You are not much of a speaker. Are you?"

Ezen crossed his arms. "What do you want me to speak about?"

Is not that he don't like to speak with others. It's just, he don't know how to make small talks. That task is very difficult for him.

"I mean- you can say anything you want. You can tell me about yourself if you feel like it." After all, she don't know anything about him except that he is a demon.

"May I ask why you are so curious about me?"Ezen found her question eccentric.

"Umm... because I don't know you. How are we going to marry if I don't know your background?"

Ezen became dumbfounded when he heard it. "What?" He didn't expected her to make a move first."

Anastasia realised what she said. But she was not embarrassed about it. She always wanted to talk about this matter with him. But she didn't got the chance. "See, I am going to be straightforward. Equinox told me everything about the way we can break the soul bounding." She said determinedly. "If the marriage is the only way we both can free ourselves. Then I don't mind."

"Wait! Really?" Ezen still couldn't believe what he was hearing. "So- you don't have problem with the marriage?"

Anastasia shook her head. "Not at all"

Ezen sighed. "Thankfully you understand me. I was getting scared for no reason." He expected Anastasia to get mad if he told her about the marriage. But if she is the one who is insisting first then he has no reason to delay it any longer.

"So when should we get married? Tomorrow? Are you free that time? We can arrange the wedding at day or night. You decide everything." He got little too excited.

"Woah! Calm down mister. You look like you are dying to get married?" She said coldly. "Don't forget that you still owe me 30 million pounds."

Ezen opened his mouth in shock. "I thought you only wanted 10 million pounds."

"Yes I did but extra 20 million is for my bravery."

Ezen: "What bravery?"

Anastasia got offended. "What bravery!? I risked my life to resurrect Equinox- and now I am sacrificing my wedding dream to get married with you. Does this mean nothing to you? Is my bravery not worth even 30 million pounds?" She scoffs. "Actually, you promised me billion pounds but still I asked for only little amount. What do you think I..." She looked towards him to get any reaction out of him but in return Ezen stared at her like he was watching a soap opera.

"Why are you studying for medical? You are in wrong field. You should have been actress instead. With all the drama you do, I bet you would had won the Oscar."

"Stop teasing me about my profession!" She glared at him.

While they were arguing by themselves. A old woman came smiling towards them. "You guys fight like a married couple from now on." The woman chuckled. "Are you guys dating?"

Anastasia got up from the ground and looked at the old lady with dumbfounded expression. "Huh!? Dating?"

Ezen shook his head. "No we are not dating." He holded Anastasia's hand. "Actually we are engaged. We are gonna marry tomorrow only."

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