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"You are my friend, and you already hold a special place in my heart. Now that I realized I love you, this heart belongs to you." -Unknown

Nini and Ricky were two peas in a pod. You couldn't find one without the other, and they resented being too far apart. They were practically inseparable because no matter what was going on in life, they always found their way back to each other. It's why they always worked as a dynamic duo.

But then they got older, and things got complicated.

There was one thing they always struggled with. It was the only thing that they both didn't want to face, but it was getting harder to ignore with time.


They were never the best with it, and they weren't sure if they ever would be. The only thing they knew was that they wanted to remain in each other's lives forever, and that was enough. But their fate had other plans; plans they could never have seen coming.


Notes I'd advise you read

They will progressively get older in each chapter; however, their teenage and adult years will be prolonged since that's the meat and potatoes of their relationship. Their younger years, which is middle school and under, are essential to the plot but will not be prolonged. Also, I already know y'all like reading teen/adult Rini more anyway.

I'm really excited for this book since it's been in my drafts for well over a year, and I'm looking forward to reading your comments on the topics that'll be discussed when they're older. I promise you the book is not 100% predictable. This will also be my longest book to date when it's done.

Anyways, the first chapter will be posted next Saturday at noon EST, so look out for that! :)

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