Miracle Maker - Colin Shea x Reader

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Warnings: none just fluff

"Colin we talked about this" you sigh in annoyance as you walk up the final set of stairs.

"I know but is there really no way you can get out of it?" Colin asks following a few steps behind.

"Yes its my job, I can't book Christmas day off" you tell him as you unlock your apartment door.

"But we won't get to spend Christmas day together, and we didn't get to spend Christmas together last year" Colin complains as you walk inside dropping himself down onto the couch.

"We weren't together last Christmas, we got together on new year's" you remind him as you grab yourself and him a beer.

"All the more reason you should have Christmas day off" Colin exclaims as you pass him his beer.

"Look I don't want to be working at the hospital on Christmas day, but I bet the kids I'm looking after don't want to be there too so if I can make the day a little better for them then I will" you tell him as you sit down next to him.

Colin sighs putting his hand on your knee "you know sometimes I hate how considerate you are" he says making you chuckle.

"Look I have boxing day off so we can just have a delayed Christmas, and I have New year's off too so we can celebrate our anniversary" you tell him, shifting on the couch so you were facing him.

"That'll be nice, and when you finish work I'll make sure you have the most relaxing evening ever" Colin offers as his hand runs up and down your thigh.

"Thank you, and I am sorry that we can't spend Christmas day together but-" you sigh shaking your head.

"But you gotta go save lives, its fine, I get it, I really do, I've seen Greys Anatomy" Colin says making you snort with laughter.

"Thank you" you smile leaning over and kissing him.

You feel him smile into the kiss hand moving to cup your cheek. His other hand squeezing your thigh as he pulled you closer.

"So take out for dinner?" Colin asks once he pulls away.

"Chinese?" You ask hopefully.

"Of course" Colin smiles patting your knee as he stood up to go order the food.


You were halfway through your Christmas day shift. You and the team were working hard to make sure all the kids were having a good Christmas. They had been given Christmas pjs and present delivered by Santa.

"Hey did you hear that the some carollers were visiting?" One of your co-workers asks as you had a spare few minutes.

"No? I thought it was just Santa?" You ask confused closing the file you were looking at.

"It was originally but then a group of carollers asked if they could visit, they'll be here in about an hour, we're gonna get all the kids that can move and then the carollers are gonna go round and visit all the ones that can't" she explains.

"Aw that's nice, I'll make sure my patients are all ready" you smile heading back to check on your patients.

An hour later you were pushing one of your patients through the halls to the area where all the carollers were gonna be.

"Will I be able to sing along?" She asks looking up over her shoulder at you.

"Of course you will! I bet you have a much nicer voice than me" you smile as you continue to push her wheelchair.

"Are you gonna sing?" She asks smiling up at you as you come to a stop.

"Only if you sing with me" you tell her bending down to be at her eye level and holding out your pinkie.

"Deal" she grins hooking her pinkie with yours to seal the deal.

As you stand back up you see the carollers begin to arrive and you laugh when you spot one in particular. Specifically, the one holding his acoustic guitar which you've heard plenty of times before. When Colin spots you he grins and waves at you.

"Who's that?" The girl asks when she spots colin.

"That's my boyfriend Colin" you tell her with a warm smile.

"He's cute" she remarks making you laugh.

"Yes he is" you agree smiling over at Colin.

The smile never slips from your face as he begins to strum his guitar and sing along with all the other carollers. They did the typical Christmas carols but also the one more popular with kids. You couldn't be more happy watching all the kids sing along, so much so it brought a tear to your eyes. Like the kids you were disappointed once the carols all finished.

"You have been specifically requested to take the carollers around to the other kids" your boss says with a knowing smirk.

"Did it happen to be by the guy with the guitar?" You ask glancing over at Colin.

"Yep, now go show your boyfriend around, I'll keep an eye on your patients" your boss smiles patting you on the shoulders as she passes.

You smile walking over to Colin and the other carollers. As he sees you approach he holds out his hand for you smiling. You weave your fingers with his letting him pull your closer and kiss you on the top of your head.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart" he smiles down at you.

"Merry Christmas, thank you for this amazing surprise, both me and the kids loved it" you smile back up at him.

"Well lets go make the other kids happy" he grins as you lead him and the other carollers through the hospital to the other kids.

With each room you visited and each kid who's face lit up hearing their favourite carol, you fell more and more in love with Colin. This was definitely your favourite Christmas ever, all because of your personal miracle maker.

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