Glastonbury Adventures - Colin Shea x Reader *

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Warnings: Fluff! SMUT! 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI! Public-ish sex! Unprotected Sex! Little bit of angst at the end!

For as long as you've known Colin you've known how much he wants to go to Glastonbury. Every year he'd clear his schedule for that weekend so he could sit and watch all the livestreams he could.

"It's iconic! Any musician knows if you've played Glastonbury you've made it, and god imagine playing the pyramid stage" he'd exclaim shaking his head in wonder.

So when you told him you'd gotten tickets to the festival for his birthday he could hardly contain his excitement. It was like watching a kid being told they were going to Disney World. And lets just say he showed you how grateful he was that night, multiple times.

From the moment the plane landed Colin was like a ball of energy waiting to explode. You were so happy to see him so excited.

"Holy shit I can't actually believe we're here" Colin exclaimed as he looked out at the fields of Worthy farm.

"C'mon we better go find a good place to set up camp" you smile wrapping your arm around his waist.

"God I can't wait, I don't care if it rains the entire time we're here, because its fucking Glastonbury" Colin grins wrapping his arm around you, kissing your temple before leading you off to the camping ground.

"Just be aware we can't really shower here so don't do too much mud wallowing" you point out laughing.

Thankfully the weather was perfect, sunny and warm all day, everyday. You and Colin had the best time exploring the different fields, drinking more cider than you probably should and listening to some amazing music from all the different stages.

It was late in the afternoon on the Sunday and you and Colin were stood near the back of the crowd at the pyramid stage listening to the band currently performing. You were stood in front of Colin who had his arms wrapped around you as you swayed side to side to the beat of the music.

"Hey" Colin muttered as he pressed a kiss to the exposed skin on your shoulder "I'm not bothered about listening to these guys so why don't we go find something else"

You nod your head in agreement "sure what other stage are you thinking off?"

"I wasn't thinking of going to a stage" Colin hums pressing another kiss to your neck.

You look over your shoulder at him about to question what he meant when you saw the look on his face "you have your I wanna have sex face on, why do you have your I wanna have sex face on?"

Colin gives you a look as if to say 'isn't it obvious'

"Colin we can't, there's nowhere we could go" you point out keeping your voice low.

"There's plenty of places, our tent being the tamest option" Colin says "think about it, everyone is out listening to music or getting drunk, the camping ground is gonna be deserted right now"

"But what if we get caught?" You say shaking your head.

"That's all part of the fun" Colin grins with a wink.

His hands move to your hips grabbing them possessively, pulling you back so you could feel his erection pressing against your ass. You had to bite your lips to stop yourself from moaning right there and then.

"So what do you say?" Colin whispers in your ear.

You look over your shoulder at him, biting your lower lip as you nodded your head in agreement. The lopsided grin on Colin's face grew as he leant down to kiss you deeply before quickly guiding you out of the crowds.

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